VIDEO: January Paper Pumpkin Reveal, Alternate Project & Giveaway

stampin up paper pumpkin january 2016 group with text


Cute Conversations is the name of the January 2016 Paper Pumpkin kit from Stampin Up. The stamp set that came in the kit reminded me of the candy “conversation” hearts, and that’s what I used for inspiration for these alternate card ideas. They are kind of like big giant candy heart cards. There’s a little something for everyone in this kit. So you can spread the love, whether you have a Valentine, or not.

Some of the techniques I’m going to share in today’s video are how to make this cool gold splatter effect, heat embossing, how to use the emboss buddy, background texture and sponging.

stampin up paper pumpkin january 2016 meh

Being single, I got a huge kick out the “Meh” stamp, and had some fun making a little different “broken-hearted” version of the card hahaha!

stampin up paper pumpkin january 2016 be mine

Periscope: I was so excited that as soon as my “orange box” (Paper Pumpkin kit) arrived in the mail, I jumped on Periscope and did a Live Broadcast of the unboxing. I love doing the live video because you guys can be a part of it and ask questions while we go. I’ve included a clip from this Live broadcast in my video tutorial below.  Join me on Periscope @stampwithtami

stampin up paper pumpkin january 2016 love you pink



2016-01 Stampin Up Paper Pumpkin Alternate Card-stampwithtami_Page_1


January Paper Pumpkin Kit inspiration sheet includes

  • Complete Supply List
  • Card Measurements



Candy Heart Cards Tutorial & Paper Pumpkin Reveal


Cute Conversations Banner Kit Instructions


january paper pumpkin giveaway1


paper pumpkin on sale



Cute Conversations Paper Pumpkin Kit –  January 2016



  1. Love the heart treat holders!

  2. I love the conversation hearts idea; thanks for sharing and for a chance to win this.

  3. HI tammy i just love the idea of making them into cards.. i really do not use banners.. so your idea is great;; i too am a stamping up demo and will use it as a demo for a class.. way to cool.. love your videos

  4. Marva Dahoney says

    Would love to win this kit.
    Thanks for the chance to win it.

  5. Debbie Riley says

    Tammy, I love conversation hearts. They bring back fond memories. Thank you for this give away.

  6. Victoria Merrick says

    Love your video and the cards you created with the banner kit. When I first saw the “MEH” sentiment, I was totally baffled to what it could possibly stand for. Thank you for clarifying my “duh” moment for me……LOL!!!

  7. The “MEH” and the broken heart made me smile, too cute! The conversation hearts bring back memories of childhood valentine’s (aka Vintage, cause I’m over the hill).

  8. Donna Anzalone says

    I would love to win the cute conversation set, Tami.

  9. Paulette Habbit says

    Love your card! So creative!!!

  10. Love how you did a card version! So creative!

  11. Jaime Sunshine says

    I love the January paper pumpkin kit. So many beautiful things we can make with it. Thanks for another special giveaway Tami! ☺☀?

  12. This looks like so much fun to do!!

  13. Anita Falcone says


    I love the alternate idea you have for the Jan. 2016 for paper pumpkin. The kit is really cute to.

  14. valentines day is just around the Corner this would be perfect

  15. I love the “Meh” card. My sentiments exactly! I want this, thanks for the opportunity.

  16. Diane Lynne Clemen says

    I love the Valentine pouches. so cute. I gotta make them for my school kids.Thanks for sharing.

  17. Linda Shepard says

    What great ideas you have! I love the card ideas especially! I STILL buy conversation hearts candy for myself every year, just because. lol

  18. Jennifer Newell says

    Very cute. Would love to win this kit. Thanks for the chance to win.

  19. I would love to try out this kit. Your videos are always so fun and entergetic.

  20. Robin Wojo says

    Thank you so much for sharing all your great ideas! Its always a pleasure to see what you will create next between your videos, blog, newsletter and most of all Pinterest. I love Pinterest where I can save all my favorites of your wonderful ideas.

  21. Hi Tami,

    Greetings vom Germany?
    I Love your Videos and my son thinks These Heart Cards are sooo nice?
    We want to create them too..
    So I would be very happy if I win this Stampin up paket?

    Lovely greetings vom Kiel


  22. Cecilia Lewis says

    I like the MEH card!

  23. I don’t subscribe to Paper Pumpkin, so I would be so excited to win
    the January kit. Thanks

  24. Always appreciate your videos and alternate ideas. Thanks.

  25. Beth Haubach says

    This is my favorite alternative idea for this kit. I am not a banner person so Thank you!!!!

  26. Sharon Allison says

    Love the card ideas, not a big banner fan myself, so thanks for sharing the cards. Can’t win the prize, though I would love to, as I live in Australia but had to thank you for your video. We don’t have the ‘Paper Pumpkin’ kits here in Aussieland 🙁 🙁 🙁

  27. Love it!!

  28. So many fun things for Valentine’s Day

  29. Love your ideas and the great tips

  30. Vickie Johnson says

    Thank you for the opportunity to win the paper kit

  31. Donna Billingsley says

    Looks interesting and pretty. Would love to win this package.

  32. Janet Headrick says

    Thank you for your videos. Love them. What does MEH mean in the Paper Pumpkin kit?

  33. Catherine Hoodak says

    What terrific cards! I often assemble the kit as directed, but this is one time when I’m looking for something different. Great ideas, and I love the splatter technique for the glitter!
    Thanks so much!

  34. All things sweet for Valentines day! It would be a sweet surprise to win your giveaway. Thanks for all your sweet ideas.

  35. love this idea!

  36. Oh my gosh, so pretty! I would love to win that! Thanks and God bless!


    Hello Tami, Thank for sharing! It would be so much fun to win this set – I do appreciate the opportunity! God bless you.

  38. Love your ideas with this kit. Thanks for sharing.

  39. Sheila Hartman says

    I love these cards so much more than the banner that the kit was designed for. You are so creative.

  40. Thank you, Tami, for another awesome chance. I love your videos. Thank you for sharing!

  41. Love the “MEH” card! Great idea! I’d love to win the Paper Pumpkin kit. Thanks for offer it as a give away.

  42. Vera Yancey says

    Pick me! I want to make these cute cards!

  43. wow what great ideas!

  44. Love the meh card that’s epic xo

  45. Carole Doody says

    I love the cards just as much as the original use for this kit! Fantastic. I’d love to win it!

  46. I’ve been a follower for at least two years now and have never been able to buy a stampin’ up kit and would REALLY love to get to try one out! This card looks so “flip pin’ cute!” Haha, it’s definitely my favorite so far!

  47. Love it! Thanks for sharing.

  48. Love your speckled heart – it makes me happy. Thanks for sharing and your give-away.

  49. What cool techniques! THanks for all the teaching! and for the giveaway!

  50. Connie Gage says

    I would love to win this paper pumpkin thanks for the chance to win this.