VIDEO TUTORIAL: Polar Bear Card & Awareness

The polar bear is a symbol of the Arctic, these majestic creatures are the world’s largest land predator and the largest member of the bear family. I personally think he’s the cutest too. He’s also a symbol of Canada and Coca-Cola, just love those Coke Ads with them.

I love them, and love the Polar Bear featured in the Zoo Review Stamp Set. He’s so stinkin’ adorable. This card idea was inspired by “The Zindorf“, and I adapted it “Tamster Fashion” lol. It’s surprisingly easy to make, see the video below. This card with it’s beautiful setting sun back drop was a hit at my stamp club this month, and if you enjoy photo/written instructions you’ll want to check out my stamp club memberships for this and more exclusive tutorials available to my club members.

To learn more about Polar Bears, what is being done to help them and how you can “adopt a polar bear” visit the WWF (World Wildlife Fun) Website here >.

Inspiration Sheet:
Polar Bear Card

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  1. I love the polar bear! You say that it is a sunset behind him?
    I thought it was the aurora borealis shining behind him!