VIDEO & BLOG HOP: How to make a Star Wars Theme Party Pack

12079331_10154311891437222_5578960760983678638_nhow to make a stampin up star wars party pack gift set video

May the Force be with you! I’m a big Star Wars fan, and am very excited about the new movie coming out. I’ve been preparing for Star Wars – The Force Awakens release by designing this Star Wars Party Pack – Gift Set! Complete with 2 part video series that includes instructions on how to make these fun and easy Star Wars themed projects: Jelly Belly Light Sabers, Millennium Falcon & Death Star cards and Candy Treat Bags. Whether it’s a birthday party, movie release party, or just fun for your Star Wars fan. These will be a big hit.

Make them for an event, or have fun making these with the kids.

BLOG HOP: This is my 3-D project for the Grand Vacation Achievers Blog Hop this month. Be sure to “hop” on over to the other blogs below and check out all of the “awesomeness”.

  • Video Part 1 = Jelly Belly Light Sabers 
  • Video Part 2 = Star Wars Cards Candy Treat Bags featuring the Millenium Falcon and Death Star

Included in this video series is a “hack” for getting candy in the 1×8 treat bag in a snap. There is a link Jelly Belly website below, as well as the Light Saber color guide.



2015-10 Stampin Up Star Wars Gift Set-stampwithtami_Page_1

The Star Wars Party Pack pdf includes

  • All supplies used on all projects.
  • All measurements for all of the projects.
  • Cutting guide.



stampin up millenium falcon star wars cardstar wars death star card - stampin up  stampin up star wars treat bags 1 stampin up jelly belly light sabers






1. Connie Stewart  
2. Georgia Giguere  
3. Kylie Bertucci  
4. Tami White  
5. Jeanette Egemann  
6. BJ Peters  
7. Jennifer Michalski  
8. Chris Slogar  
9. Wendy Cranford  
10. Claudia Perry  
11. Janneke de Jong  
12. Vanessa Webb  
13. Angela Westland  
14. Jacque Williams  
15. Cynthia Millan  
16. Anke Heim  
17. Linda Higgins  
18. Allison Okamitsu  
19. Louise Sharp  
20. Constanze Wirtz  
21. Kirsteen Gill  
22. Jodi Reinert  
23. Karina Chin  
24. Bruno Bertucci  
25. Ann Craig  
26. Carol Payne  
27. Naomi Keeling  
28. Dania Welch  
29. Lisa Curcio  

(Linkup closed)



maxresdefaultThis was the formal weapon of a Jedi Knight. Not as clumsy or random as a blaster. More skill than simple sight was required for its use. An elegant weapon. It was a symbol as well. Anyone can use a blaster or a fusioncutter—but to use a lightsaber well was a mark of someone a cut above the ordinary.―Obi-Wan Kenobi

  • Blue = To protect
    • Users: Anakin Skywalker, Obi- Wan, Ben Skywalker, Anakin Solo, Plo-Koon, and Ki- Adi- Mundi
  • Green = Peace
    • Users: Luke Skywalker, Yoda, Qui- Gon Jinn, Jacen Solo, Kit Fisto, and Ahsoka Tano
  • Red = Agression
    • Users: Palpatine, Darth Vader, Count Duku, Darth Maul, Darth Craidus, and 1 other
  • Purple = Used by people who were siths for a short time then became jedi
    • Users: Mace Windu, Mara Jade Skywalker, Jana Solo, The Dark Woman, Kit Darren, and Jaden Kor
  • Other rarely used colors: Yellow, Orange Gold Bronze, White & Black or Darksaber


Jelly Belly_Template.inddJELLY BELLYS ONLINE

You can usually get individual Jelly Belly colors at a candy store. I also found them online on the Jelly Belly website.


  1. These are AWESOME!!!!!!!

  2. Love your creativity Tami, I just love all your utube tutorials – you are a real inspiration to me. Angexx

  3. Whaaaat? Tami, this is awesome!

  4. These are amazing Tami!!!

  5. You never disappoint, Tami! Fantastic, on trend projects that are great for any party or Star Wars fan! TFS

  6. Oh my gosh !! How clever and talented you. Love the Star Wars theme.

  7. Totally cool projects Tami my friend. May the Force be with you! Oh, and God Bless too! 🙂 ~Cynthia <

  8. Georgia Giguere says

    I had no idea you were such a fan! I should have known! Your projects are amazing! Love it all! <3 Georgia

  9. What a great treats ;o)

  10. Wow so cool Tami! Super clever it made me smile – Thank you!

  11. My son would LOVE these!

  12. You are SOOOO clever! These are great!!

  13. These are so fun! Great projects AND interesting details about the light saber colors!

  14. Very cool projects – a delight for many a child and adult.

  15. My sons and me are huge fans of Star Wars toooo. Thhe movie is coming here on the 16th of December….I think I’m going to make them some treatbaggies too. Saw Star Wars chocolats in the supermarket these will make yummie treats ;o)
    Thank you for sharing your ideas on this blogh hop.

  16. Cool! We are excited to see the movie when it comes out. This is a great way to have fun with the theme.

  17. You seriously knocked my socks off. My little niece will loose her mind over this stuff. She’s a huge star wars fan. Thanks for the ideas!

  18. So adorable and oh so perfect for all the Star Wars Fans!!

  19. Carol Carriveau says

    My husband and son are great Star Wars fans, as well as a BIL! Thank you for sharing your videos and turorials…..!

  20. Super cute and sooooooo clever!

  21. how fun!

  22. Love these! I NEED to make some for several Star Wars fans! Thanks so much for sharing!