VIDEO: Work of Art – American Flag Card

stampin up work of art usa flag cardNever too late to celebrate the Red, White and blue…check out my video on this Fabulous patriotic American Flag card created with the Stampin Up Work of Art stamp set. I love projects like this one, when you can go “outside the box” with stamp sets. I apologize for being a few days late for the 4th of July with this one. Great for so many occasions: summer, birthday, service, cards for troops, celebrate, etc.

Inspired by Michelle Suit.


 screen - american flag

Featuring all supplies for this project pdf





  1. Great Card Tami !!!!!!!

  2. Many fonts have really wild names or are just hard to pronounce. After 35 years as a graphic designer, I can easily attest to that!

    The typeface you were having such difficulty pronouncing is a Sans Serif one; which means it doesn’t have what typographers call “Hands & Feet”. It is pronounced “hell-vet-tick-ka” (4 beats saying it)

    Open any printed, bound book (any school text book for example), and the type that it is printed in is usually Schoolbook, Garamond or one of several others; they all have extra “little bits” on the top and/or the bottom of most of the letters. The bits on the top are “the hands” and the bits on the bottom are “the feet”.

    Examples: in a text book the lower case letters m & n, each have one hand & two feet. Lower case r has one hand & one foot.

    Our brains are trained to eventually read the “shapes” of words, not so much putting together the letters like when you first start/learn how to read. The “hands & feet” serif typestyle helps your eye glide over the word shape more quickly. This is also why when you get those crazy emails that ask if you can read a paragraph that at first glance seems to be just a jumble of letters, but if you stop “trying” so hard, your brain suddenly “sees” the words. These word puzzles are generally done in a serif type & your brain happily interprets the shapes. This is also why not everybody can be a proofreader.

    Sans serif typestyles take longer to read (for your brain to interpret), and the absolute worst is a long message all in capitals in either sans serif or serif. People prefer to read what their brain is trained to recognize.

    True, trained Graphic Designers are also skilled typographers. They know what works for different situations. Sans Serif has it place of course as do Capital letters; but it seems that everybody with a computer now-a-days considers themself a Designer…and with the god awful crap that is all over the Internet, it seems Web Designers are the ones most at fault. They love those san serif typefaces.

    Any how, answered your pronunciation question posed in your video…climbing down off my soapbox now – one rant over one pet peeve is over! LOL

    Love the videos, I belong to a club here in Penfield NY with “stampin kards with Karla” (her fb page) Karla Cannarozzo. She’s great!