VIDEO TUTORIAL: Easter Cross Card

easter cross card-stampwithtamiDoes Easter feel like it’s sneaking up on anyone else this year? I know when Easter is. I know that Lent has started. Yet for some reason, my brain just processed that Easter is only a few weeks away! Time to get started on some Easter cards.

This card idea came from a display at a Stampin’ Up! event I attended, and I just loved it. This is such a perfect religious Easter Card, because sometimes “Bunnies” and “eggs” aren’t the right fit for your recipient. The perfect plum taffeta ribbon, over the cross is that finishing touch that makes you say “WOW”. The “Happy Easter” is from the Teeny Tiny Wishes stamp set.

As an alternative to Whisper white card stock, you can also use the Stampin’ Up! Note Cards and envelopes for this card base.

Easter Cross Card inspiration sheet with measurements Inspiration Sheet
Includes all measurements and supplies
Easter Cross Card

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  1. This is absolutely the most beautiful card for Easter I have seen. One of this KISS type cards. The simplicity of it says it all!

  2. Such a cute card! Love it!

  3. Wow! Stunning!!!

  4. Great card, thanks for sharing.

  5. oh my god! such a beautiful it.

  6. u r my inspiration!!!!!!

  7. Cheryl Fricker says

    Easter is my favorite holiday. Beautiful card Tami : )

  8. Carol Carriveau says

    Tami, this is fabulous – just may have to do a version for my sister and BIL. Thank you for sharing!

  9. what a cute & easy card, could be used for a baptism or confirmation also.

  10. Nkenge Berry-Owens says

    love this need to scrap-life this for my mom

  11. beautiful

  12. What a lovely card! Perfect for my Easter mailings!

  13. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One of the nicest Easter Cards I have seen. Very nice video prsentation!

  14. Wonderful card, Tami. I think I going to make this easter card for my family and friends. although i need to buy teeny tiny wishes stamp collection.

  15. Perfect!

  16. Tami I absolutely love the simplicity of the card & strength in the message. Thanks for your great ideas

  17. Kristy Kohn says

    Lovely card thanks for sharing :0)