For unto us a child is born

Peaceful Nativity Card


Jesus is the reason for the season! The past few nights the phenomena of the “Christmas Star” has appeared in the sky. It happened while Jupiter and Saturn converged in the “great conjunction”. It won’t happen again for another 800 years. I was only able to witness it for a few minutes before it was covered by clouds, but it was still a special sight to see. I’m reminded of the 3 wise men who followed a star (maybe this same conjunction, or similar) and found the baby Jesus in the manger.

This beautiful card recreating the scene features the Stampin’ Up Peaceful Nativity Bundle. Like the Christmas Star, this bundle is only here for a short time. It’s on the retiring list and I’ll be sad to see it go.

Designed by Graciela Carranza



Peaceful Nativity Christmas Card




  1. Cathie Wheeler says

    Love the nativity scene! Merry Christmas and joy to The world The LORD has come, may we all prepare Him room!