ONLINE CLASS & VIDEO: How to make Hexagon Painted Harvest Card and Rectangles from Square dies


Have you been loving the Stampin Up Stitched Shapes dies and wishing there was a set of dies in the rectangle shape? Well today is your lucky day! In my online class (live on Facebook) I’ll be sharing a couple of very cool Big Shot techniques. Including how to make rectangles out of your square stitched shape die and adding ink to your debossed textured background. I’ll also show you how to ink up your debossed impression folder images. On this card it’s used to highlight the hexagon impression and really make it a stand out on the card.

This over the top wow card was designed by my friend Esther Wilburn.It’s created with the new the Stampin Up Painted Harvest Stamp Set. Esther is a very talented demonstrator in my Stamp It Group and she shared this card design as part of the sneak peeks from the upcoming Holiday Catalog.


If you miss the live broadcast, you can catch the replay below (or on my Facebook & Youtube). Download the free pdf below, for measurements and the supplies list.






This video will air live on my Facebook Page. Be sure to subscribe for future live videos.



  • Free PDF
  • All supplies used
  • Includes measurements



This is a video comment entry giveaway. To enter, simply leave a comment on this video on either YouTube or Facebook. No purchase necessary.

Congratulations to our live winners that will be drawn on the live broadcast:

  • Rhonda Price – Embellishment Pack
  • Cyndi Roedl – Embellishment Pack
  • Gaynor Thyssen – Embellishment Pack
  • Chris Cowan – Love You Lots stamp set
  • Ruthy Barretta – Love You Lots stamp set





I host a live broadcast on Facebook for free, online, how-to stamp/craft classes. I’ll show you how to create fun, and easy, paper crafting cards and projects. You can follow along live, or watch the replay later. I will do a prize patrol at the end of each broadcast for the live participants.

You will find the free pdf, video and resources for all of my past classes here.

In addition, I co-host The Stampin Scoop Show, and I release weekly  how-to videos for DIY card-making and crafting.

For the latest schedule updates visit:





  1. Jean Goerlach says

    Love your live videos!!!!!

  2. Love your videoes.

  3. Donna Lindner says

    love your live videos and your give away . great prizes and it is very informational

  4. I love, love, LOVE this beautiful stamp set❣️

  5. Nira Nelson says

    Love the beautiful stamping and clever shaping for sentiment card! Can’t wait to use that trick!!!

  6. Sylvia Rodriguez says

    Stunning card!

  7. Diana Durst says

    Love this card. So elegant! Simply gorgeous!!

  8. Diana Durst says


  9. Janice Moore says

    Stunning card, need those supplies <3 <3 <3

  10. So fun to watch your videos. I like the inspirations when I am stuck.

  11. Must have stamp set! Beautiful card.


  12. Mindy Shapley says

    What a beautiful card I just happened to be scrolling through Facebook and saw your video

  13. Gail Spence says

    Love, love that card. Thanks so much for the vieo!

  14. Donna Sicafuse says

    Tooooooo bad am not able to see all of the videos live but love getting to see the after live. Love love the Painted Harvest set so neat. Thanks for sharing. Would be shared if were at the live show.

  15. I love this stamp set.

  16. Donna Roberts says

    ♡♡The card, thank you for reminding to deboss on cards and adding the ink ontop.I indefinitely need to order the stitched frames.
    You do a wonderful job describing each detail you add to your cards.The colors were so gorgeous and layering set surely adds to the flowers/leaves.
    I ‘d love to win this set

  17. Denice Metz says


  18. I lose dies all the time!! Good to know it happens to other people as well;-)
    Beautiful card, love the two new techniques. Thank you!

  19. Terri McDougall says

    Love this stamp set. This card is beautiful. Definitely on my wish list.

  20. Terri McDougall says


  21. Phyllis Stevens says

    What can I say but WOW. This is georgous!

  22. Pauline Vaughan says

    Great Card

  23. Thanks for the video Tami, AWESOME card

  24. Maggie Little says

    Not getting to watch live. Harvey took everything.

  25. Debra Anderson says

    I had no desire to purchase this set until this STUNNING card!
    Thank you so much for being such an inspiration and sharing your talent with us.

  26. Such a pretty card. Since I don’t have the hexagon embossing folder, I may try the bubble wrap with Versa Mark and ink..

  27. and this is why I love watching videos….a stamp set that I looked at and didn’t even consider purchasing has just produced one of the most lovely cards ever…the addition of the soft suede over the curry color just nailed it for me….love when someone shows me the potential in a stamp set that I initially disregarded