WIN!! May Give-away & April Winner Drawn

2013-04-may giveaway
Congratulations to:

Penny M. won my April Comment Craze Give-away. Thank you to everyone for playing. Click the video below for the “cyber drawing” live as it happened.

Winning comment was submitted on Mrch 11, 2013
“what a cute & east card, could be used for a baptism or confirmation also
~ Penny M


Want a chance to win? There is no purchase necessary, to enter, simply leave a comment on any blog posting on my blog:

(Can’t wait for the drawing? These can also be purchased in my online store)


+ Hand-stamped cards

 Click for samples using the Dress Up collection >


  • Leave a comment on any of my blog posts April 15 – May 15, 2013
  • Winner drawn via on May 16 or 17 and announced at &
  • Better your chances of winning by leaving more comments on different posts
    • Note: Up to 3 comments per person, per blog post will be counted
  • I will ship free within the US (you may enter if you live outside the US, however if you win you’d need to pay postage for your goodies)


 dolled up birthday kit



  1. Susan Timchack says

    Great job on your videos…love this set you are giving away…..the samples are also amazing…thanks Tami! Wishing me luck…lol

  2. Love your videos keep them comming

  3. Bonnie in VA says

    Enjoy the videos and thanks for a chance to win such a great give away!

  4. Laurel D Taylor says

    I love all of your Videos

  5. Thank you for all you do!

  6. All dolled up and that dress form are so cool, would make for great little girl or big girl party invites.

  7. Chris Rambo says

    I can’t believe the awesome prizes you give away each month. I’m crossing my fingers!!!

  8. Adrienne R says

    Amazing package to win. Love the bundle and all the different projects that can be done using it.

  9. Thanks for the cool videos. I would live to win.

  10. WOW!! I love Stampin Up. The array cards to be made with this package by me are truly endless:) Thank You for the opportunity.

  11. Loly Borda says

    Thanks for the chance!!!

  12. I love your cards

  13. Love your blog, love your video and Love this giveaway. You Rock Girl.

  14. I just love your videos! You’re always excited to teach.

  15. Hi Tami
    Love the pom poms and am a huge fan of your talent

  16. You are amazing! Thanks for this awesome giveaway – would love to win so my daughter and I can do some paper dolls 🙂

  17. Cindy Lubbe says

    I watch you all of the time and of course make some of your cards. You are a great inspiration to me and thank you for all of your great ideas.

  18. What an amazing giveaway! Thank you!

  19. Thank you for the chance to win! I loe your videos, they are so helpful and inspiring!

  20. This is a great giveaway and so generous of you! Love everything here!

  21. I look forward to your daily e-mails for all the ideas and inspiration!! Thank you so much.

  22. Chris Eamon says

    I would love to win this pretty awesome set!!! =)

  23. Great giveaway! Thanks so much for the chance to win 🙂

  24. How exciting! I’ve been wanting that Dress Up set ever since it came out so I’d love to win it. I’ll keep my fingers crossed Tami.

  25. your videos are so fun, I really enjoy watching them… Thank you

  26. Melinda Thomas says

    Congratulatons, Penny! I so hope I win next month… 🙂

  27. CIndyanne Mroz says

    Thanks for the opportunity to win such a geat giveaway!

  28. Yolanda Gonzalez says

    Great giveaway. Congrats Penny.

  29. I love how you get so excited over making cards it makes me excited so make cards too and get lost in time love it thank you.

  30. Congrats to the winner!!!woot woot!

  31. Oooh, pick me pick me please… 🙂
    Oh Tami, you’re too generous – thank you for the opportunity to win.

  32. Chris Rambo says

    Love the simple “50 Shades of Gray” card. I really need to get the En Francais stamp!!

  33. This giveaway looks great!

  34. Teresa J says

    I have been watching your videos on YouTube and they are really the best!

  35. love your videos

  36. Teresa J says

    So excited for your giveaway! I would so appreciate a package like this! Thank you!