A dedication to my SAM – Beth

2009-sam-giftSuccess doesn’t come alone, it takes hard work, dedication and support. For me, I could never have met my goals and soar beyond my dreams with Stampin’ Up had it not been for my family, my husband, my customers & downline AND my Service Account Manager (SAM for short), Beth Hatt. A Stampin’ Up Service Account Manager is assigned to each demonstrator who reaches certain criteria in the company. All of the SAM’s are great.

Beth is not only a great SAM, she is a great friend, and I owe so much to her for her help and support through out these past 3 years. Beth and I have worked together since 2006.

This year at convention, the SAMS had this picture taken, and made this darling frame. I’m so proud, I’m putting it on my desk!

I wanted to do this post as a dedication to Beth, so I dug up a couple old pictures from our time together (which she will probably kill me for hehehe) because it brings back some great memories and a couple cute stories…


This picture is from last week at Stampin’ Up’s annual convention 2009.


the above picture was taken at the Stampin’ Up Leadership in January in 2006. Look at the hair!!!


This is my all time favorite picture, and one of my favorite moments with Stampin’ Up! It was at Convention in SLC 2006. I had been notified that I had earned an award, I knew that I’d earn a recruiting pin because of my efforts, so I assumed that was my award. After giving me my pins she then all casually pulled out “the bag”. “The Bag” meant that you had earned a spot in Stampin’ Up Founders Circle (at the time it was the Top 50 Demonstrators in the company)!!! If there were video cameras around at that time, the video probably would’ve made America’s funniest Home videos. I started hyperventilating, and crying…I literally couldn’t breathe!! Turns out I earned 3 Founders circle awards that year.

Another cute story to go with that, at the time Cheryl Flynn was standing behind me in line. We hadn’t met yet. She saw my reaction to “the bag” and had no idea what “the bag” was. When she got to the awards booth she asked what just happened that caused my reaction. Then she made a goal that she was going to get “the bag” next year. The next year, Cheryl Flynn was the #1 recruiter in Stampin’ Up!!!! We were both asked to serve on the Advisory Board that year, and became best friends. She told me I was her inspiration (it still gives me chills).



  1. Maxine Conrad says

    How stinkin’ cute Tami! As Beth is my SAM, I have to totally agree. When my Dad passed away, Beth took me to lunch. I was so impressed as it was her day off and she still was there for me. That meant the world to me as that is what a TRUE friend is.


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