CARD: Valentines Day Series – Part VI

valentines-tickets-stampwithtamiPart 6 in my series of Valentines Day cards is a sweet design, Valentines Tickets using the Take a Ticket wheel #126941 and That’s the Ticket stamp set. Both of these stamp sets coordinate with the Ticket Duo punch #126883. This card is from my friend Jackie Ross.




  1. Jamie Adcock says

    Love this card! Love all the new product you’ve used.

  2. What a cute card!

  3. I am loving the ticket trend lately!

  4. I love the 28 days of February until that 4th year with 29! Besides Valentine’s, it’s my husband’s birthday, my daughter’s birthday, and my birthday. A good card-making month.

  5. Love the card making days in Feb, gives me ideas for the bday people in my family. So much fun, Thank you for the videos that you do. You are an amazing and talented person.

  6. Tami this is my favourite Valentine’s card! Tfs! Hugs Traci ;0)

  7. So cute! Thank you for all your inspiration.

  8. Very pretty!

  9. Think the ticket idea is so cute. Definitely on my wish list.

  10. sandy kortan says

    Cute- thanks for sharing ideas!