Win the sold out Golden Honey SAB Specialty Paper


I’m doing a special giveaway for the sold out Stampin Up Golden Honey Specialty Paper and it’s free to enter. Simply leave a comment anywhere on my blog between now and March 12 and be entered to win. I will do a random drawing an announce the winner on March 13.


Even though Sale-a-bration runs through March 31, the limited edition products are only available “while supplies last” and some will sell out before the end of the event. Since items from the 1st release have started to sell out, and some of these new 2nd release items are bound to sell out quickly, I’ve started a post to keep you updated on what’s no longer available here.



    Be sure to check out my free online video classes.



    1. Mary Mickelson says

      Would love to win the Bee paper!
      Mary Mickelson

    2. Amie Berry says

      Such a cute set of paper! Thanks for the chance to win!!

    3. Ronalyn eppinger says

      WOW!!! would LOVE to win this DSP Just wish I could get my inky hands on the stamp set!!!

    4. Karen Drain says

      The paper for the bed card would really make the card a great background design

    5. Sharie Wilson says

      Wow sooooo generous of you TAMI . Love this DSP. Would love to win it. Thanks for the opportunity

    6. Sherri S Rowe says

      I love your videos! Thank you for sharing your skills and products. The Honey Bee paper sold out while I was placing my order so would love to win it.

    7. Jeanine Wagner says

      Such beautiful paper

    8. Diana Boone says

      Beautiful paper would love to win a pack

    9. Love this paper!

    10. Linda McGee says

      Thank you for the chance to WIN the beautiful Golden Honey Speciality DSP. This paper is so pretty snd there are sooooo many examples out there to use as inspiration. I enjoy your videos, your projects are just wonderful. Keep bringing great inspiration snd I will definitely keep watching. March 12th is my son’s birthday so would be neat to win this paper pack on that day.

    11. Kathy Schowalter says

      I love this “bee” paper! As always you are so generous in your giveaways! Thank you for the opportunity to win!

    12. Susan Mack says

      This DSP is perfect for my brother who is a beekeeper There are so many different ways to use it. Thanks for giving us a chance to win it.

    13. I would love to win this beautiful paper. Thank you for sharing.

    14. I would love to win the Honey Bee DSP.

    15. Melissa Sosa says

      Oh I hope I win this beautiful paper. Thanks for the chance to win!!

    16. Randee S says

      Thanks for sharing your talent with us.

    17. Good thing some people think ahead and purchase extra for such occasions.

    18. Janice Kincaid says

      This paper is so beautiful. I want it 🙂

    19. Cheryl Turner says

      I would love to win the Bee DSP. I’ve seen so many wonderful cards made with this stunning selection of paper!

    20. Lin Hense says

      I waited to late! I would love to win this DSP. Thanks for sharing with all of us.

    21. Mary Kay Harman says

      The Bee DSP is my favorite. Thanks for the chance to win a pack.

    22. Debbie Wicklund says

      I love this paper. Hope I win!

    23. PLEASE, PLEASE pick my name for this awesome BEE DSP !!

    24. Rozena Van Lent says

      I always enjoy your cards that you post. Very pretty and very good
      instructions. Thank You… and Thank You for giving us this opportunity
      to win this cute DSP….

    25. Rozena Van Lent says

      Very cute Bee DSP… Hope I win…

    26. Simply gorgeous!

    27. Jeanie Blake says

      luv dem beez

    28. Donna Gruschke says

      I love this DPS paper.

    29. Stephany Seamans says

      Enjoy your videos & tutorials-lots of imagination & creativity. Thank you so much for sharing!

    30. Thank you for the opportunity to win!

    31. Absolutely love this paper! Thank you for this chance to win!

    32. Barbara Youngs says

      Would love to win the awesome paper. Thank you for the chance. Appreciate all you do…sharing your time, talents, and creative imagination with us.

    33. Rubina Pantoja says

      What an amazing giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win.

    34. Nicole Brown says

      I love this paper!! Thank you Tami!!

    35. Pat Smith says

      I like the black, gold and white combo.

    36. Betty Brotzman says

      I would like to win this paper.
      Thank you

    37. Christine Javer Spohn says

      This Honey Bee DSP is simply gorgeous! I guess you could say it’s “the bee’s knees”! 🐝

    38. Diana McCall says

      That is beautiful paper. It was all gone when I tried to order it.

    39. Julie Kannenberg says

      Love the paper and didn’t get it in time. A great giveaway.

    40. Sandy Berghuis says

      Would love to win this beautiful DSP! Thank you!

    41. Karen A Bongartz says

      Would love love, love to win this gorgeous DSP!!!
      Thank you for the opportunity Tami!

    42. Denise Bryant says

      Really pretty papers! Love the gold accents!

    43. Janet Smith says

      Cute stamp set and gorgeous paper!

    44. Lynn Hunt-Fones says

      WooHoo!! More Golden Honey paper!! Love your giveaways and love, love, love your projects!!!

    45. Hope I win really love this bee paper I have a thing for Bee’s

    46. Jean Maxwell says

      The bee DSP is beautiful paper, love the gold.

    47. Kristine López says

      This DSP is the Bee’s Knees!! Love it!

    48. Roberta Eldridge says

      I missed out on choosing this as a free item. I planned on getting it with the second order I just placed. Hopefully I win it this way!

    49. Debbie Schuldt says

      Tami, it is so nice of you to offer this great DSP as a giveaway. It is a beautiful paper. Someone will be extremely happy. Thanks again for the opportunity.

    50. Would love this paper…..