VIDEO: Blessed Easter Watercolor Card

blessed easter-stampinupToday’s video is a gorgeous card my friend Linda Cullen shared at our last demonstrator group meeting. It is so beautiful, and versatile. Designed with Easter in mind, but changed the “Happy Easter” greeting to “Thoughts of You” to show how easy it can become a sympathy card.

The video shows some easy tips on how to use masking to “eliminate” portions of a rubber stamp.


 2014-03-blessed easter screen 

 Featuring all supplies & measurements for this card pdf
Revised March 12, 2014 2:55 pm





  1. Roses area a gorgeous flower to give at anytime, The card is great.

  2. Carol Carriveau says

    Fabulous card and video….thank you to you and to your friend Linda for this fabulous idea….now have to buy two new things, but that is okay…!

  3. Such a breathtakingly beautiful card!!

  4. Judy Daugherty says

    I really enjoyed this video. I always learn so much from you. The tulip card is just beautiful.

  5. Joyce Hice says

    You have shown me 2 or 3 ideas that I like and can do easily in this one video. Thanks

  6. Debbie Palmer says

    So glad I got this stamp set….Love this card

  7. This is simply stunning! Thank you so much for sharing!