A Decade with Stampin Up! WOW

stampin up 10 years

Have you ever had an event happen in your life that seemed small, but it transformed your life?
10 years ago today, I joined the Stampin Up family. I could never have dreamed where this would path would lead. I only did it for the discount lol! Over the past decade, this shy girl has became a public speaker and SU has brought me on the most amazing adventures around the world (Fiji, Alaska, Hawaii, Panama Canal….just a few).

More highlights over the years were hosting my own TV Series, The Stamp With Tami Show, and of course learning to make a video and post it on YouTube!

The friendships I’ve made through stamping, I cherish dearly. You have brought us through some of the hardest hard times of my life, and celebrated a few of the biggest.

As a single mother,  income my job brings supports my kids & I. It has saved my family home of 30+ years. Today marks 1 year that I’ve owned it myself.

You never know what tomorrow will bring, or when something seemingly small will change your life forever. 2 weeks ago, I hit a milestone selling $1Million in personal sales in my SU career. Shelli Gardner, CEO & Co-Founder of Stampin Up, called me personally, sent  amazing flowers and a card. The next day, Shelli was in a terrible accident. Her life was also changed forever, and now she is an inspiration in new ways as she shares her struggles to walk again. (You can read Shelli’s incredible story, and post her a personal note on her blog here >).

The pictures above are of my very first convention in Orlando, FL (2004) and meeting Shelli for the very first time. The next was Shelli and I on stage 7 years later – #1 Demonstrator of the Year.

While I’m doing a “then and now”, I have to share the best part of all. My boys! Because of Stampin Up, I’m able to work from home, and be here for them. They are the biggest part of why I do what I do, and I love them so much! Here they are a few weeks after I joined SU in their Halloween Costumes. Look at how little they were!! The next picture was taken a few weeks ago at Scout Camp, my oldest is applying for his Eagle Scout this week! I’m so proud:)

boys then and now 1




  1. It is great to see pictures of you and your family. I love your blog and video’s. Thank you for sharing.

  2. CONGRATULATIONS, Tami! You are an inspiration to all of us! Can’t wait to see what you accomplish in the next 10 years!!! BIG HUGS!!

  3. Congratulations. I am so happy for you. It is hard to believe you were ever shy, you seem so confident on your videos. I look forward to your videos every week. I have made many of your cards and your instructions are so clear and precise that they are easy to follow. Keep it up and congratulations again.

  4. Tami, Congrats. on your milestone. Have to tell you I am so thankful for discovering you on line and being a part of your Online Stamp Club for the past year and recently joined for another year. You are truly an inspiration and offer so many extras. Thank you!

  5. Congratulations Tami, this is all such an amazing accomplishment and you should be so very proud of what you have achieved. Looking forward to seeing you next week.

  6. Pauline Vaughan says

    CONGRATULATIONS, Tami! that is such a great milestone keep it up love your videos

  7. Nancy Farrell says

    What an inspirational story. I was a single Mom for many years and it is amazing what strong women are out there. Congratulations on your mile stone. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

  8. Congratulations Tami! I wouldn’t go anywhere else for SU stuff!

  9. Joycelyn.Tan says

    Hey! Congratulations on that milestone! I am so grateful that you joined SU! You are such an inspiration!!

  10. Joycelyn.Tan says

    An inspiration to all stampers!

  11. Joycelyn.Tan says

    Your videos are no doubt the best of all!

  12. Mandy DiNicola Bunn says

    You are a great inspiration! Congratulations!

  13. Congratulations on your milestone accomplishment.

  14. Hoping for another good 10 years for you and beyond!

  15. Looking forward to seeing more of your designs and videos.

  16. WOWZZZ…
    Such an incredible achievement!!
    I love your videos… I emailed your information to my sister in Nevada..she
    makes cards and has never been to any card class…she never heard
    of SU till she was introduced to it, by me, this year. I’ve given her some of my
    SU ‘stash’ and continue to bless her with surprises. She enjoys your videos, too.

  17. Norma Pfaffendorf says

    Congratulations on 10 years! And also on the million dollar mark! What a great inspiration you are to all of us who follow you adventures!

  18. I just saw the announcement. Wow! That is an incredible feat. I have no idea how it is even humanly possible, but I’m sure it has something to do with your high energy and infectious personality. You are always so upbeat and I just want to say how much I appreciate your willingness to share your amazing talent with everyone. You are an inspiration to all of us in the Stampin’ Up! family. Again, congratulations on an outstanding job!

  19. Congrats Tami! That is so amazing 🙂 A very very special moment!

  20. Rhonda Miller says

    Congrats on 10 years!!

  21. Congrats on such a great acheivement! inspiring with two boys! i’m getting out of the military in a few months – dont know if i could do this, but you definitely did, so it’s possible!

  22. You inspire me in many ways and I’m so fortunate to be able to call you my friend. Looking forward to our play and relaxation time at Founder’s Circle next week! Big hugs and congrats, Tami! You earned this by working smart and very hard!

  23. CONGRATULATIONS!!! You are an inspiration.

  24. Nicole Harris says

    Tammi, such an accomplishment! Not only 10 yrs but $1 million in personal sales. WOW! I just love the Stampin’ Up! product, demonstrators and projects. Keep the creativity flowing.

  25. Congratulations Tami!!!! You inspire us all. Enjoy your success. Looking foward to meeting you at Founders Circle. Brandy

  26. Congratulation Tammi on a great achievement !!

  27. Congratulations on meeting the milestone!

    What an incredible accomplishment!

  29. Awesome–congrats!!! Keep those hilarious videos comin’!!!

  30. Congrats on your SU milestone!

  31. Congratulations Tami! I am so proud of you and admire your accomplishments over the years! I am very thankful to be a member of your team and to have you as a wonderful friend! You are so Stinkin’ Cute…love ya, girl!!

  32. Tami: I just wanted to say I enjoy you so much, yourd vidios are fun to watch an you explain so well, thank you for shareing your photos with us.
    your a Blessing to me.. an you make me laugh an smile….
    your friend

  33. Michelle Zindorf says

    Tami, You are such an inspiration to so many of us, thank you and congratulations girl on this most awesome achievement! I see you hitting 2 million in no time. 🙂 Huge Hugs!

  34. Congratulations Tami! You are an inspiration!

  35. Congrats Tami on your accomplishments. Dreams do come true!

  36. Congradulations!! You are such an inspiration to us all. I just LOVE your blog and all that you share!

  37. Congrats Tami love your videos

  38. Congratulations, i always look forward to your videos and so thankful you take the time to make them.

    Hope to be with you another 10 years

  39. Congrats with all your blessings!

  40. Congrats Tami…That is so awesome one million in 10 years!!! Looking forward to sharing many more years with you.

  41. Congratulations, Tami! What an absolutely awesome accomplishment! You inspire us all!

  42. Wow Tami, thats quite a way you have come.

  43. Oops, I think my comment just got lost.

    Congratulations, Tami. You have come quite a way.

  44. Congratulations. Hard work, finally paid off ( own a house) great for you And you family. You deserve that And many more,
    People like you make us apreciate life, more And more every day.
    Hope the best for the next 20 , (lol) retired also sound good to.

  45. Félicitations!!!! How talented you are !!!! your website is a very exciting source of inspiration for me…. Each new project you share with us i say : ohhhh my God it’s amazing…i want to make this !!! (i just wish days could have more hours …)
    amitiés de France

  46. Congrats, Tami! You are in a very elite group now! Kudos to you!

  47. Congratulations!! You are truly an inspiration and I didn’t even know your back story. Now I’m even more amazed. I met you briefly at my first convention this year and I felt like I was meeting a stamping rock star. You were kind enough to allow me to snap a photo of us together. Way to go!!

  48. Tami~ Shut the front door- you were shy?…… Well, now I have another reason to be inspired by you because I’m still shy at age 45 🙂 . Thanks for sharing your pictures with us!
    Congratulations !!!!

  49. Congratulations Tami! What a great story, very inspiring as I’m just starting my journey. Enjoy your success and look forward to another ten years! I look forward to meeting you one day.

  50. Congratulations, Tami! What an awesome achievement! Woo hoo!!!!!