NEW BLOG DESIGN! Celebrate with me

new blog grand opening

I’m so stinkin’ excited to FINALLY unveil my new and improved blog design!! It’s time to celebrate!!

As many of you may know, I’m a former website developer (by trade). I designed, and many other websites and blogs over the past 14 years.  It has been the hardest thing for me to hire someone to do my new site for me, but I finally gave in. Updating the blog has been on my “to do” list for 2 years now, and it wasn’t getting done. Like an old house that you keep adding additions on, my site was an “old” platform that I was adding “additions” on to and it needed a complete overhaul from scratch!

It’s a big site, therefore it was a big job and we ran into lots of snags and “fun” challenges along the way. If you’ve been following me on Facebook you know it was originally scheduled to be rolled out with the new catalog release, but at the last minute testing we found we needed to change a few things.

Special thanks to Susan at Oh, Hello Designs, for all of her hard work through this process.Yep, her company name even matches a Stampin Up stamp set … totally be coincidence.

tami and the stampin around wheelOUT WITH THE OLD: Gone is the old picture of me and the life sized stampin’ around wheel! I will miss it. This photo was not photoshoped BTW, that was a real wheel prop SU used to bring on cruises and let us take pictures with. Gone are also all of the errors and outdated code.  I’ve had this site for almost 10 years, the internet was just a baby when was born – things get outdated quickly around here on the world wide web lol.

IN WITH THE NEW: The new site is totally built to be”user friendly” and functional. My goal is to make it as easy as possible for you to find ideas and inspiration, without getting lost in “clicks” and having to “back button” out lol.

Here are just some of the functions

  • Enhanced Search feature – making it easier for you to find what you are looking for on the site
  • Menus are now uniform across the entire site
  • Home page is now a Dashboard View of What’s New across all of my sites (my blog, Facebook, Twitter, Google*, etc)
  • Videos are even easier to find
  • Mobile friendly design works great on your phones and tablets
  • the list goes on…




  1. Nel Sarrasin says

    Looks great and look forward to viewing it regularly. Congratulations!

  2. Pam Berry says

    I love the new you!! 🙂 Congratulations Tami!! Hard work & lots of time pay off in the end!!!

  3. Congratulations:) Very nice and clean!!

  4. Love the new look. Congratulations on getting it done!

  5. Olga Vasquez says

    Love your new blog,great job…big hugs Olga

  6. Congrats on your new layout : ) I really like it!

  7. I love the new look, congrats. So easy to navigate through and user friendly.

  8. Lovely website design, I know what you mean about it taking a bit of time as my brother, world class winning photographer fave us out wedding album pics…….. On our 20th anniversary. Lol
    All the very best with the new site 🙂

  9. *gave us our

  10. Mary Bush says

    I’m still learning my way around but it looks great!!! Very Clean and Fresh as they say! Looking forward to watching it develop over time! Congratulations on the “new you” 🙂

    • Mary Bush says

      Oh, and I can finally post “replies” on here in Safari instead of having to visit via Firefox!!! Yay!

  11. Thanks for a chance to win!! Great blog!

  12. Looks like an amazing bundle of goodies!

  13. Congrats on the new site!! Looks great’

  14. Awesome!!

  15. The new site is great but I am going to miss the giant stampin’ around wheel because I fantasized about having one that big so that I could make some wallpaper with it.. LOL..

  16. Gina Lindsey says

    I love your font, love your avatar, plus love how super-mega easy is to find all your icos… OMG …The look is super “clean” …Congrats on your new baby (website)!!!

  17. Gina Lindsey says

    HI Tammi- I love your font, love your avatar, plus love how super-mega easy is to find all your icos… OMG …The look is super “clean” …Congrats on your new baby (website)!!!

  18. Donna Billingsley says

    CONGRATS! It’s looking great. I’m headed in to see all the latest on the new blog.

  19. Lori Carter says

    WOW TAMI…love your new blog. This is so much easier on the eyes (no squinting to see what’s on the old blog). I LOVE THIS…wtg

    Cheers Lori

  20. Congrats on your updated site. Looking forward to checking it out!

  21. L-O-V-E it!! Very clean, crisp, and refreshing….Nice job!!

  22. Leigh von Hoelle says

    Love your new face on your website….so modern. I couldn’t wait to see the new website and blog area so i just spent my lunch hour poking around. Very easy and very fast in maneuvering around.

  23. Congratulations on your new blog. I enjoy visiting you sites and blog on a daily basis. Also congrats to Catherine on winning the June contest.

  24. jane harrah says

    Looking good! Lots of places to explore!

  25. Fabulous new blog, just like you!!! Love it!

  26. Catherine says

    Nice layout! I know how your homepage looks now! I always thought you have the best website and guess what? Now it’s even better! Way to go Tami!

  27. Congratulations on the new blog. Looks great. I do think somewhere you might surprise us with your photo with the big wheel stamper!

  28. Joan L Smith says

    Very cool blog it looks amazing hey redecorating is fun no matter what or where it is. You are such a bubbly and fun gal thanks for all your cool ideas and awesome videos.

  29. Jackie Brewer says

    Tammy I am so happy for you and all your hard work. All your videos are awesome, you are hilarious, and congratulations on your new look.

  30. Debbie Simons-Baker says

    Congratulations Tami, lookin’ good!

  31. Love the new look. Such a wonderful chance to win. Thanks alot!

  32. Love the new look!

  33. Tinalala says

    What a great looking blog. It’s so clean and bright. Love it! Congratulations!

  34. Your new web site is “da bomb”. Smooth clickin’. Can’t even find one tiny blurp! Congrats to your designer and the “testor”. And seriously, thanks for all your inspiration and talent shared!

  35. Vivian Abbott says

    Nice site! Worth all your waiting. Will come here often for inspiration.

  36. Wow! Your website looks great. Congratulations!

  37. Susan Timchack says

    Love the new blog design….great job!

  38. Kudos! Your site looks GREAT!

  39. S. Miller says

    I like your new look! It’s so much brighter and a lot easier to see everything now! I love checking it for new ideas.

  40. srifenburg says

    I just found your website it is amazing ..Love the videos too and a chance to win products super.. Housework can wait I have more videos to watch..keep up the great work!!

  41. Congratulations on your new and improved blog. In maneuvering around your blog I encountered 2 error messages as pop ups. Maybe it is from my end, but I wanted you to know as you are tweaking your new look.

  42. Love the new site! I can’t wait to see more! 🙂

  43. Great job – love the new look. Thanks for the opp to win!

  44. The new blog is just great.


  46. Looks great, love love it!!!!

  47. Congrats! You deserve an upgrade – nice job!

  48. Krista Jensen says

    Looks very nice! I love it!

  49. Love the layout! It’s easy, simple to use an yet lots of good tips!! Congratulations!! This site look awesome!!

  50. Looks great!!!!