MDS FRAMES: Quotable Calendar Template Frames

If you’ve seen some of my MDS video tutorial playlist on youtube, you may be familiar with Holly Linford, she is like an MDS Queen at the Stampin’ Up! home office lol. Below is a post Holly shared on, with the coolest frames….going waaaay “outside the box”…

The 2013 Quotable Calendar Template  was designed to be a calendar. You probably figured that out by the use of the word “calendar” in the title. It’s a cute calendar, but I didn’t need a calendar. I wanted a home décor project. And I wanted to use this template to make one. So I did.

That’s the great thing about MDS. YOU are the boss of the templates. You can turn them into whatever you want them to be. And it’s super easy.

So I took this template:

And turned it into this:

And this:

And also this:

I did the same thing for every single month, but you get the picture. I made this project as a birthday gift for a friend of mine. I’ll give her the frame and all twelve quotes and she can rotate them monthly.

This was such a simple project! These calendar pages actually come in an 11″ x 8-1/2″ template with the calendar in the middle of the page. They are designed for you to print and cut them down to size, so they are a very easy project to print from home.

I wanted mine to be exact Stampin’ Up! colors though, so I decided to use the print service. I changed them from 11″ x 8-1/2″ to a 5″ x 7″ postcard. Once I had them the size I wanted, all I needed to do was tweak them a little bit. I deleted the calendar, moved the solid color rectangle from the right side to the bottom of the page, and then centered the quote. That’s all there is to it!

The beauty of the postcard is that you can print them double sided, so I ended up printing six double sided postcards. All six postcards will fit inside my frame, so they will always be easy to find when it’s time to switch them out.

What a super fun birthday gift! And since the work was already done, I ordered another couple sets to have on hand for future birthday presents. Since I’ve taken the calendar part off, I’ll be able to use these cute, but inexpensive, gifts any time of year. This would also be a great project to do with the Be Awesome Today Easel Calendar Template, if you prefer those quotes and designs.

Remember, you are the boss of the template!  You aren’t limited to what it is. Turn it into whatever you want it to be.

~ Holly Linford, Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator Training

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  1. I love going to your blog every day…… have such interesting projects.

  2. Rhonda Miller says

    What a great idea. I love how it turned out.

  3. What a great idea! LOVE it!!!!

  4. What a simple creative way to decorate the home or office.

  5. Great idea- I really love the message in the first picture

  6. Catherine says

    Love the frame!