CARD: Swallowtail Butterfly Beauty

spring-swallowtail-celeste reising-7Today’s gorgeous card is from the new Swallowtail Butterfly stamp in the Spring Catalog. This is such a beautiful stamp image, everything in it is gorgeous, and this card is exceptionally striking. Simple too. It is heat embossed in black for the rich color, then colored with coordinating Stampin’ Write markers to match the card stock. The color coordination brings the elements on this card come together for a real “WOW”.

Created by Celeste Reising.






  1. I was getting a malware alert for a few days so am happy to see that’s no longer an issue. I’m not a big butterfly fan (I’m just kind of tired of seeing them everywhere), but I know I’m in the minority and this is exceptional. I love the woodgrain embossing folder. It’s perfect for this card. Nice job, Tami.

  2. This card has a bold statement. Very nice.

  3. I love this stamp. I did something similar with it just yesterday as a pick me up.