Eat Chocolate – Hershey treat

eat-chocolate-swapYummy treats! Today’s project is a super fun and easy Hershey chocolatey treat. The main “characters” (products) used on this goody gift are all found in 2011 Occasions mini catalog, well aside from the Hershey bar that is.

The stamp set is called Eat Chocolate (121931 wood, 122006 clear mount), Springtime Vintage Designer Paper (121782), Decorative Label Punch (120907) and from the main Idea book and catalog the Pinking Hearts border punch (117649) and Pretty in Pink Taffeta ribbon (109067).

Eat Chocolate - Clear-Mount Stamp - Clear-Mount Stamp Set - by Stampin' Up!Springtime Vintage Designer Series Paper - by Stampin' Up!Decorative Label Punch - by Stampin' Up!

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  1. Hey Tami, love your project today. I have a group of students who I create gifts for and Easter is coming…can you share your project demensions with me so I could make this for them. I have been looking and nothing has struck me like this great holder. Please and thank you! I love your blog and you inspire me! kt

  2. I love the Eat Chocolate-Hershey treat, also. Would you please share your measurements. It is soooooooooo cute.
    Thanks, Linda

  3. I too love this idea.I make small gifts all the time for my grandkids class atschool and this would be perfect. Could you please send me themeasurements so that I may make this. Please and thank you. Linda

  4. Hi gang, glad you all enjoyed this project. My friend received it as a swap at Stampin’ Up Leadership, I don’t have sample for measurements. I’m pretty sure it was just 1/2 of an 8.5″x11″ card stock cut in have the long way = 4.25″x11. Tami