Love Bots – Great kids party thank yous and favors

valentinesFor Valentine’s this year, I got the new Love Bots in the Occasions Mini Catalog for my son. He was so excited, he actually put them all together himself yesterday. It was the cutest thing, and they were so easy my 9 year old made them all. We filled them with cute mini bubble stuff and erasers (his school doesn’t allow candy treats) but candy would’ve worked perfectly.


I thought these little boxes not only made great Valentine’s, they also make great kids birthday party thank you and favor boxes. Quick and easy.


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  1. How sweet! It’s wonderful that your little man made them himself.

  2. So cute!!!! I have two grand daughters at the moment and we sat and made a card for her parents on Valentines Day while they took their dog to the emergency vet. she is only three but she loves art she was so proud of her card that she even took it to daycare to show off. I think we have a budding stamper. Her sister is two and was napping so she missed my art class but I’m sure she too will love the crafts. Linda