More amazing fabric craft ideas


Everytime I go to a Stampin’ Up event, I’m amazed and wow’d by something new. There is always new and exciting ideas to come home and expirament with. Leadership last week was filled with many of these ideas. Yesterday, I posted the amazing quilts, today’s post is really an extension of those. These were created by the same talented and creative gals. Using fabric and the big shot dies to create all kinds of accessories.

Hair accessories, pins, broches, doll and baby clothing. It’s just amazing what you can do.




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  1. What IDEAS!!! This is great. Linda

  2. AWESOME ideas. These are absolutely amazing. Thanks for posting your blog on Stampin’ Connection.

  3. I just had to tell you I love your blog and I check it out almost everyday to see what you have brewing, but I have to tell you today when I checked it I almost had a HEARTATTACK! You see I’m afraid of DOLLS and that one wearing that adorable t-shirt almost did me in! I just thought I would share with you, your blogs part in my near death experience today! LOL 🙂