Dolphins, Turtles and other amazing sea life

Leasa and Tami I couldn’t resist posting a few pictures from our day here at the resort in Hawaii. We just “hung out” with the locals…the local sea turtles, the local dolphins, sting rays and even the eels (not so crazy about the eels). We snorkeling and swam in the resort’s lagoon, which is approx. 4 acres, salt water fed and has many species of fish, and more that come in and hang out in it.

One of the coolest visitors to the lagoon is the sea turtles that swim in and munch on the algae around the waterfall. At any one time there seemed like there was 10 or more turtles hanging out, and they swim right up to and by you as if you weren’t there. They are protected, and you’re not supposed to touch them…but there’s no law against them touching you and they did swim into us a couple times. It was one of the coolest (and at times freakiest) experiences. The one “local” in the lagoon we did not enjoy, was an eel who seemed to want to follow Leasa and I, we screamed like little girls hehehe.

Here are some neat pics we took with my underwater camera. There’s a picture Steve took of a sting ray he swam with, and one of the dolpins from Dolphin Quest. TO SEE ALL OF MY HAWAIIAN STAMPIN UP ADVENTURE CLICK HERE >




  1. Shawna Ruffin says

    You guys are so cute! Looks like you are having so much fun! Wish I was there and can’t wait to get Leasa back. Miss her!

  2. That’s my favorite pic of you and Leasa! And thanks for the heads up on those turtles! I got my swim in our last day and I was just delighted…