Personal Inspiration: Saying Goodbye to a friend

10407558_10205343861696972_5963638888769619769_nI have a different kind of a share today. Instead of  “crafting inspiration”, I’m sharing “personal inspiration” in the form of a friend, mother and angel who’s dedicated her life to helping others. And shown me how to live, even when your time is short.

You may remember last week I did the Colon Cancer Walk in support of my friend Debbie Whitmore (click here for story). Debbie has stage 4 metastic colon cancer, she spent last week (and the last of her ‘good days’) in Disney World on the “trip of a lifetime” with her husband and 4 children. The trip was funded by a “Gofundme” from all of her friends, the Whitmores had never been to Disney and we chipped in to make that dream come true…which it did.

The day before they were scheduled to come home, Debbie was becoming jaundice and was rushed home from Florida. She went directly to Brigham & Women’s hospital. Where she learned that her liver was in end stage failure. She went home from the hospital Monday night, to be at peace with her family (and begin hospice). Last night, she left this earth to be with the Lord. It was very quick and an emotional week. God is at work, and he has called an angel to be with him. She leaves behind a family of amazing kids, who will carry on her legacy.

Debbie has been such a huge inspiration to me, and a hero. It’s hard to believe these pictures of her and her family were from just last week. I have posted a couple of videos below – Debbie did these interviews for NESN and WEEI a couple of months ago. Her beautiful smile and personality shine through every word and I hope she can inspire you too.


NESN: Debbie Whitmore’s Strength And Courage Has Helped Her Outlive Prognosis

WEEI Radio: Debbie Whitmore with D&H at Jimmy Fund Radio-Telethon
Holley calls Debbie Whitmore one of the most amazing people he’s ever met. She joined the show on Day 1, August 14 of the 2014 Jimmy Fund Radio-Telethon. Just 3 months ago….



  1. Tami, None of us know when our time is running out, as you know I found out three years ago when I was told I’d be lucky to see the following Christmas and I’m still here. (Only God knows why.) God bless those who helped Debbie and her family see Disney. It is a joyous place and what a wonderful memory to leave with her family.

    As for me, eight doctors later and no one is sure what I have. At least they have quit prognosticating on my date of death. (God doesn’t seem to be listening.) I’m still very tired, on a boatloads of drugs, have holes in my skull and on bad days, am in too much pain to open my eyes, much less make a card, but everybody is trying. I may be going to the Medical School at the University of California at San Francisco next month for a work up, so that’s a good thing.

    You, Tami, Never stop doing what you do. You add more light to peoples’ lives than you might think. I follow you on a Twitter and peek at your projects as best I can. Beauty is still beauty, no matter how bad the pain is or how baffled doctors become, and along with beauty comes happiness, and THAT is what makes life worth living. Right? Right.

    Trisha in Carmel, Ca

    • Trisha, I am praying for you and I miss you. I’ll you are able to catchup every now and again. I’m also so glad they have been wrong about your “date”. Stay strong.

  2. Thank you for sharing your friends story. What a beautiful person she was. Hope your memories bring you comfort at this time.

  3. Nancy Farrell says

    Hi Tami, I just want you to know I’ve been through the loss of a dear friend. Just because they are not blood related, you, along with their relatives, suffered that loss too. I was so happy my family supported me at that time. I still miss her so much. Take time for yourself, one day at a time. God Bless.

  4. So sorry to hear about the loss of your sweet friend. May you all feel His love for all of you. Keeping you all in my prayers.

  5. Carol Carriveau says

    Loss of a dear friend or family member is never easy…and your sharing of your love for your friend is so lovely. Hugs to you and to her family….they were so lucky to have wonderful memories of a special time with her provided with love from family and friends. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Sending a huge wave of love and hugs to both of y’all’s families.

  7. I a m so sorry losing a friend is heartbreaking. No words can help with the pain. She is at peace now. Much love to the family .