UPDATE: High Flying Founders Circle Retreat fun

stratos phere jump


This year I was honored to attend the Annual Stampin Up Founders Circle Retreat. The Top 100 demonstrators in the company were invited to spend time in St. George, Utah with CEO and Co-Founder Shelli Gardner.  You can view all of my updates on my Facebook Page, here are some of the highlights….

What happens in Vegas….

I opted to come into Las Vegas a day early so I could do the Sky Jump from the 108 floor of the Stratosphere Tower! 855′ feet, straight down!! I saw this 2 years ago for the first time and have been dying to do it ever since. But I was so scared the night before I left, I talked myself out of it before I even got there. Then for some reason I changed my mind when I got there and weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I DID IT!! It was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!

Here’s the video:


And I can’t help sharing this picture from the ride called the Big Shot at the top of the tower (113 floor). My friend Jenn Gulch was such a good sport, she agreed to go on it once. But despite the terrified face, she rode it 2 more times and even let go and put her hands up. I think she even liked it lol!



and now on to FOUNDERS CIRCLE EVENT 2014

This is soooooo cool! While we were at the Stampin Up mfg plant (in Kenab, UT) we learned how they make our new clear photopolymer stamps. It’s a mind blowing process!! But what was even more wild was the stamp set they chose to demo on is ‘White Christmas’!!! The stamp set I named!! OMG!!! Here’s a whole sheet of the White Christmas set in front of me.


My friend, Jill Olsen, invited us out on her boat to go try our hand (or feet) at Wake Surfing. What a fun day we had, I love this “water selfie”. But the Wipe Out shot is my fav lol! Caption this photo.


Had some fun causing “trouble” with my “partner in crime” Brian King. Brian was the only male demonstrator attending FC this year, and at 6’5″ he really blends in…not! Here’s a picture of us goofing around with the props for the Holiday Theme of the event. It was 90 degrees outside, but looking at this photo almost feels like Christmas. I joked that I’m going to use it for this year’s Christmas Card photo. Not staged at all. Not sure if we pass for a festive couple, or a couple of homeless people? What do you think?


And lastly, a shout to my gal pals: Linda Bauwin, Mary Ellen Byler, Frenchie Martin and “Siri Susan” Nygaard. On Friday night we decided to go to an In & Out Burger for dinner. We knew were in trouble when we stopped at a gas station and my friend Mary Ellen (who’s Amish) had to take over and show Linda how to pump gas into the rental car. We were laughing so hard, we then decided to go on “selfie tour” around the hotel. Since most everyone else had gone out to a show, the hotel was quiet…until now. We laughed so hard all night, when I went to bed my sides literally hurt. As you can see, we had a little too much fun and were left wondering … what do they put in those burgers at In & Out???


Come on “Selfie” Tour with us. This is what happens when 5 Stampin Up demonstrators are left {almost} alone in a hotel for an evening….

Stampin Up Giftacular Truck Selfie
– this is where it all began. We had to selfie with the cool truck.

Founders Circle Banner Selfie

Elfie Selfie
– with the gal at the front desk all dressed up as the cutest dang elf ever

Wreath Selfie
– This one is like a “Where’s Waldo” can you find all 5 of us?

Card Swap Selfie

Palm Tree Selfie Fail


Palm Tree Selfie Success!

Sled Selfie Fail – can you find the sled?

Sled Selfie Success!




  1. LOVE IT! What a wonderful trip – so happy I got to hang out with you. Love the selfie tour – heard about it but so exciting to see it in action.

  2. LOL!!! Love it!!

  3. That was an awesome jump. I’m afraid of heights so would probably have a heart attack. But, I’m jealous!

  4. Judi Teixeira says

    Hi! Remember me? I met you last year at a soccer game when I admired your awesome bag that you earned and I told you I used to be a demonstrator! Anyway, I truly enjoyed your post, you made the whole trip look like so much fun, and your friends seem like super people too! Congrats to all of you! Wow, so many exclamation points in a message! Fun!

  5. You are just too much fun!

  6. Hi Tami, looks like a fabulous time was had by all! Love the pics and your zest for life. Thanks for sharing

  7. You go girl! You definitely know how to have fun and excitement in your life. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Carol Carriveau says

    We don’t know each other but I though you were soooo crazy to take either of those rides, especially the first one! But I said to myself that the lady who reached $1,000,000 in lifetime sales can do anything and obviously you did…and big congratulations! Glad that you had fun on the Selfie Tour and the pic with dear Brian is tooo sweet, you both look very tired!!! Yes, would be a very fun Holiday card! Happy that you all had such fun and how cool to have most of the hotel to yourselves for part of an evening – guessing that does not happen too often! Welcome home!