CARD: Retiring Trefoil Cross beauty

trefoil cross-diane krugThis is a beautiful card featuring the retiring Trefoil Cross stamp, along with Everything Eleanor and Trust God. A great color combination as well with Blushing Bride and Early Espresso. Did you know that even when our designer paper retires, you can still get the digital download for many patterns and print them off? I am including the digital version of the Soho Subway DSP since that is being discontinued. Created by Diana Krug.




  1. What a great card!

  2. Barbara says

    What a beautiful card. You don’t see the So Ho Subway DSP as often as we should have. I love the layout and colors.

  3. Carol Carriveau says

    Would never have dreamed up this combo – the DSP and the beautiful cross…your imagination works overtime…love what you do and share with us!