thanks a million-tami white-stampin up

$1 Million in personal sales!

WE DID IT!!! As of yesterday (Aug 26, 2013) in the afternoon, at approximately 2pm est (but who’s counting lol), I hit ONE MILLION DOLLARS in sales! Maybe the biggest milestone I’ve ever hit in my lifetime!! Becoming the 4th person in the 25 year history of Stampin’ Up to reach this milestone, following the legendary: Mary Polcin, Lisa Fast and Joyce Ferraco…I am humbled and honored and simply speachless.

I can’t even describe the feelings and emotions of finally making this huge milestone. It’s overwhelming, and even more with so many cheerleaders…the excitement of all who reached out in these final moments as we were reaching the “finish line” via emails, phone calls, texts, comments, etc. I am so touched by your support!

$1Mil in stamps is A LOT of stamps, it doesn’t happen “by accident” or “overnight”, it’s years of dedication, loving what I do and I’ll admit sometimes it’s even “hard” work. But it’s so much more than me, this milestone is dedicated to you, my customers. Each and every one of you who have ever placed a Stampin Up order with me over the past 10 years are a part of this excitement. And especially to my stamp club members. My clubbers know they hold a special place in my heart, as they are the back bone of my business for so many years. Some have been with me since the beginning. You’ve become good friends, and I love you all so much. YOU MADE THIS!

So who was the $1 Million Customer?

CONGRATS TO RACHAEL RIFE!!! And thank you to EVERYONE who placed orders during the final stretch this weekend, it was amazing. Not only did I hit the milestone, we hit it 2 weeks early thanks to you!! I was originally shooting for September 11, my 10 year anniversary with Stampin’ Up.

Because we were counting down the sales in the end, I was able to pin point EXACTLY which order was the order that put me over the million…hence making it the “Million $ Customer” lol! That customer is Rachael, and I’m giving her a $150 Stamping Up shopping spree for being the lucky one in a million orders!!!

thank you




  1. Wow!! Congratulations Tami – that is an amazing accomplishment. And Congrats to Rachel – have fun shopping 🙂

  2. Congratulations Tami!! I watched you walk at convention for all of your accomplishments and I felt very inspired and proud of you! I have watched your videos since I started Stampin’ Up! Just 2 years ago. Keep up the great work and can’t wait to see you walk the stage again next year!! 😉

  3. Kim Mullin says

    Congratulations! I know how exciting it must be for you. I am so close to my $500,000, that I am getting excited. ONE MILLION is just AWESOME!!!! Congrats again.

  4. Angela Cleveland says

    Congratulations! I love all your projects, and your tutorials are wonderful!

  5. WOOHOOOO!!!! Congratulations Tami!! You are an inspiration to so many. Well done 😀

  6. Well a HUGE thank you to you Tami! If I never found your ideas so unique fun and inspiring I wouldn’t have picked you as my demonstrator! What a cool milestone to be a part of and a very generous prize. I am grateful and blessed:) much love and keep up the awesome ideas!!

  7. Congrats. Great job.

  8. teresa purdie says

    Tami…I am so happy happy happy for you! what an amazing thing and I know you are on ‘cloud 9’ and so proud of yourself!!!
    CONGRATULATIONS!!! a million times over!!!

  9. I am so happy for you. What a great feeling you get for hitting your goal. Way to go!

  10. Congrats.

  11. Great job Tami.

  12. Charlene L says

    Congrats Tami!!!! I was rootin for ya!

  13. mindy cottigham says

    Congrats! That’s a lot of dedication and we appreciate your hard work!

  14. Congrats Tami! I know you worked very hard to achieve this.

  15. Laura Sims says

    That is AMAZING!! CONGRATULATIONS! I know you worked hard to get there!

  16. Barb Brower says

    CONGRATULATIONS to a very special lady. what an exciting milestone and in only 10 years. WOW.!!!!

  17. How totally fantastic! Congratulations!

  18. Phyllis B. says

    Congrats, Congrats, Congrats! (I’d write it a million times, but I don’t think your website could hold that many…) So very happy for you!

  19. Wow what a fantastic milestone in your career. You totally deserve it and I am delighted for you, hope you party big style xxx

  20. That’s amazing Tami. Good for you!

  21. That’s really terrific Tami! Hearty Congratulations all the way from Australia – well done for your consistent effort and hard work!

  22. Tami, You SO deserve this moments(s)!!!! You work so hard to bring us fun ,easy ,and current projects/ideas all the time . Your customer service is stellar!
    Thank you for being an inspiration to me. 🙂
    I’m so happy for you !

  23. Elizabeth F. says


  24. Carol Carriveau says

    BIG congratulations, Tami!!! And congratulation to Rachel! What a fabulous accomplishment….sorry I will not be at Convention to see the announcement and watch you be celebrated in person!

  25. Congrats! Such a great accomplishment!!

  26. Congratulations!! You have worked hard for this and sooo deserve it. Enjoy your new found status at Stampin’ Up. I say you have always been a MILLION DOLLAR sales person. You inspire millions just making contact with them.

  27. Sue McNeill says

    CONGRATULATIONS! Truly a moment to be very proud of your work and dedication to this wonderful company! You inspire us all!

  28. I saw this on Facebook and of had to comment, but I am doing it again here. CONGRATULATIONS! I have been following you from almost the first day I joined SU 3 years ago. I went to convention for the first time, and saw you walk on stage many times, for all your wonderful awards. It’s because of you, and others like you, that I have decided to turn this into a businesss, not just a hobby. I would LOVE to retire from banking and make a living doing what I love. I am a long long long way off, but your continued inspiration is a great help. Congratulations again….and now on to TWO million! Way to Go!

  29. God bless you Tami for always inspiring me to make beautiful cards and projects. You are awesome. Congratulations!

  30. Maria Ramos says

    I’ve just stumbled on to Stampin up! And there are a lot of people who are selling this product, but I don’t know why I feel like I’m cheating on you if I go with anyone else. LOL! I love your videos and your enthusiasm so this accomplishment has also been on your hard work, and making new stampers like me, feel that I can do it. You make it seem easy. Congratulations!

  31. Wow!! That is great…Congratulations!

  32. That’s wonderful!

  33. This is amazing!

  34. WOW! Congratulations!

  35. Way to go!

  36. Gail Spence says

    Congratulations! WHAT an achievement!

  37. Melinda Thomas says

    CONGRATULATIONS A MILLION!!!! So very happy for you. You deserve this after all the hard work you have done!

  38. Congratulations!! *whohoooo*

  39. Wow! How exciting! (for you and Rachael!)

  40. WOW Tami…good for you, I know you worked very hard for this much deserved milestone…..thanks for all the inspiration you send our way!

  41. WOOHOO! Tami, that’s truly amazing and terrific! Congratulations to a truly amazing and terrific person, you deserve it for all the hard work and dedication not only to Stampin’ Up! but to all your customers. You treat each of us as special individuals. I so happy you reached your goal!

  42. very, very happy for your achievements! That is quite a feat to do and you earned the awards. Enjoy all your emails and the videos.
    Thank you.

  43. ¡Muchísimas felicidades Tami! ¡Lo tienes merecido por ser como eres! 😉
    Soy una gran admiradora tuya y adoro tus trabajos al igual que tus vídeos, por la alegría que imprimes en ellos, pues contagias optimismo y ganas de seguir haciendo manualidades.
    Agradezco todas las técnicas que enseñas, ya que me han servido de mucho en mis clases de quilling, arte este que combino con otros para realzar la estética de los trabajos.
    ¡Un fuerte abrazo desde España!

  44. Tami, CONGRATULATIONS! It must have been so exciting for you watching the dollars go up and to reach your milestone. Well Done!

  45. Melissa Layman says

    What a wonderful accomplishment. Congratulations!

  46. Congrats! You are a true leader, Tami! It’s an honor to not have to worry about being the Hostess and just enjoying making cards. You make it so easy for us. LOVE Stamping with Tami!