WIN STAMPS: Free Bootiful Occasions Stamp

A new Facebook Challenge is  here, I’m giving away one of my personal favs…the Bootiful Occasions Stamp Set in Clear mount #126597. All you have to do is sit back, stamp, share and enjoy (and cross your fingers, sprinkle a little fairy dust over your left shoulder while holding your lucky rabbits foot and horseshoe at the same time – kidding…maybe lol).

I love hosting this challenge, because I LOVE LOVE LOVE seeing all of your creations. It’s inspiring to me, we keep each other motivated. And even if you don’t share, seeing everyone’s projects is a lot of fun. 

Here are a couple of fun Halloween cards made with the Bootiful Occasions set

  • To enter: share a Holiday themed Stampin Up project here on my facebook page wall
  • No purchase necessary
  • 1 Winner drawn & announced on FB – October 31
  • 1 entry per project shared, winner will be drawn randomly (via enter as many x’s as you’d like.
  • Click here for posting etiquette