FUNDRAISER: 9th Annual Stamp Out Breast Cancer Giveaway & Free Tutorial

Thank you all for being a part of this amazing cause. Our final total raised came to $8,810 and made us #18!!!

9th Annual Stamp Out Breast Cancer Fundraiser

Join us, OR simply make a donation

One of the many things I love about Stampin Up, is how we can use it to help others. Join me and our team of demonstrators and help us raise money for Making Strides Against Breast Cancer while having some stamping fun.

Help us meet our goal of $6,000!

A keynote speaker/survivor’s once had some very powerful words. She said “Last year, I attended this event and was encouraged to go get a mammogram. You talked about the importance of early detection. I was diagnosed, treated, and today, I stand before you Cancer free, Thank you.” Talk about changing lives!

All donations of $20 or more receive a free tutorial and entry to win one of our awesome Door prizes*. Whether you attend or not. Please leave a comment below after donating and be entered into my bonus drawing (details below).

*This year’s door prizes are: Complete set of 54 Ink Pads  ($273 value), Full Set of Stampin Write Markers ($110 value).



We have a new T-shirt design this year, sorry I didn’t have this on the video. I love this new design, the cancer ribbon has rhinestones on it!! BLING!! I’ll post as soon as mine comes in. My friend Tamra Davis made these, and she is donating 10% of each t-shirt sale to our Making Strides team. If you’d like one, you can purchase them in her etsy store here.

Together we can make a difference!


BONUS!!!! If you make a donation by October 31, and post below I’ll enter you in a drawing to win a free Ribbon of Hope stamps and die set. Winner posted in my Winners Circle.


All donations of $20+ are invited to attend our stamping event in Dracut, MA. We know many of you aren’t local and you don’t need to attend for the free pdf, and door prize entry. If you happen to be in the area, we’d love for you to join us.


When: October 27, 2018

Harmony Hall
1660 Lakeview Avenue
Dracut, MA

1:00pm – 4:00pm
$20 Donation to attend
thru Oct 27, or $25 at the door


100% of the proceeds go directly to Making Strides Against Breast Cancer (part of the American Cancer Society)


  • Attend free with each donation of $20
  • Receive a Free Tutorial for these projects with your donation
  • Door Prize: All $20 donations are entered to win the following: Complete set of 54 Ink Pads  ($273 value), Full Set of Stampin Write Markers ($110 value), Keurig Brewer  ($90 value) and  a Full set of Ink Pads ($250 value).
  • Leave a comment below after donating and be entered into my bonus giveaway drawing
  • All donations are Tax Deductible and will receive an emailed “Donation Record”


  • 5 Gorgeous cards
  • Door Prize: All $20 donations are entered to win the following: complete set of 50 New Style Ink Pads ($375 value), Full Set of 40 Stampin Write Markers ($123 value).
  • Many more Raffles
  • Card Swapping
  • Munchies
  • Inspirational Display Boards



Live on Facebook and YouTube on Tuesday, October 2



  1. Marcia Dash says

    I have had many different cancers in my family,so I am happy to donate

  2. Thanks for doing this. As a 15 year cancer survivor I appreciate your effort.

  3. Rosemary Capuder says

    Sixteen years ago this month, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I wasn’t surprised. I knew it would get me eventually. After all my mother had it and my grandmother had it. Very unfortunately since that October day in 2002, my mother lost her battle and three of my cousins (all from the maternal side of my family) were diagnosed with breast cancer. Tami, I am very touched that you are doing this and thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  4. Debra Schuh says

    Thank you for being such a blessing!

  5. Audrey R Hairr says

    Thank you so much for doing this great cause. It hit very close to our family. ?

  6. Diane Mangels says

    So thankful you are doing this. We all know so many women affected. For me, it’s my sister, grandmother, and too many friends. Enjoy the gathering time for such a good cause!

  7. Nicole Brown says

    Thank you so much! I have two Aunts who are survivors so I’m very appreciative!! God Bless! ?

  8. Tami, this is such an amazing fundraiser you are sponsoring. My sister is 6 years post breast cancer. Every day I am thankful for her recovery and appreciate all that is being done to stamp out breast cancer. I did try to purchase T-shirts however the site I was taken to did not have the style you showed with the bling ??!! Thanks again for being a great strength for this cause.

    • Hi Sue, the cancer ribbon on the new style has rhinestones!! It’s awesome! I didn’t realize the team had designed new t shirts until after I did the video. The old style from last year is out of stock and we can’t get them again until November. Tami

  9. Annie Jasper says

    Thank you for doing this important fundraiser. If I can get away I would love to come down and celebrate how hard we are kicking breast cancer right in the ba77s!

  10. As a two time breast cancer survivor, the last time 21 years ago, I cannot emphasize how important this is! Early detection is key!

  11. Dear Tami,
    Thank you for doing this. You will never know how many hearts you will touch, how many lives you will save. I hope that they can put an end to cancer soon so that no one else has to be affected. My mother and grandmother both had breast cancer and I anticipate I’ll get it too. Thank you for bringing light to this horrible disease.

  12. Dina Ramirez says


    Thank you for doing this fundraiser. I have a dear friend who is a breast cancer survivor and know of all that she had to endure to get through it and even now still going through things in her life. I wish I lived in your area so that I could attend your event. Again, thank you for all of your inspiration.

  13. Marlene Butler says

    You are such a Blessings to all of us. Thank you Tammi

  14. Donna Lefever says

    Thank you for all you do! You make this world a better place. ♡♡♡

  15. Tami, I too appreciate your efforts towards this cause. I lost my mother 7 years ago to breast cancer and I am a 5 year survivor. Hugs

  16. joyce mcintosh says

    Just made a donation. My father and grandmother both had breast cancer. Appreciate your help towards this cause.

  17. Wilda Todd says

    Just made a donation… my daughter is a survivor of cervical cancer and my mother-in-law is a breast cancer survivor. Hope you exceed your goal!

  18. I was just diagnosed last year (2017) after a mammogram. Thankfully they caught it early and a mastectomy with reconstruction was all that was needed (no chemo or radiation). I am delighted to donate and have ordered a shirt as well.

  19. Dagmar Riley (Dagi) says

    Gladly donated! Wish it could’ve been more but taking care of two households right now; leaves me stretched. Usually even attend local walks every year as well; not able to do that this year either taking care of my dad around the clock at the moment. Will continue to pray for a cure for all illnesses though and have faith.

  20. Gloria Morris says

    You are such a caring and thoutful person.
    Thank you. My mother had a double mastectomy, then passed away.

  21. Rachel Jacques says

    Thank you so much for doing this. I now have Stage 4 Breast to bone cancer and am very confident that I will live much longer than expected. God is my best friend and he has much more planned for me.

  22. Barbara Beausoleil says

    I Just purchased a T-shirt and donated to this worthy cause. Thank you for doing this your a very special person.

  23. Cheri Furr says

    I bought a t-shirt and donated $20. I try to donate to this important cause every year!

  24. Hi Tami,
    Years ago I had a scare as I found 2 lumps in my breast, I am one of the lucky ones as they turned out to be fatty tissue, but I had to have them monitored and tested every 6 months for 3 years and now just once a year. It was scary, and still to this day I am scared. I am grateful that I am okay but I have cancer on both sides of my family so I am very grateful for people such as yourself for holding fund raisers. THANK YOU!!!

  25. Paula Richards says

    Your doing a great thing for a wonderful cause.

  26. Pauline Vaughan says

    Thanks Tami for doing this every year my sister and I was both diagnose with breast cancer this year. I started chemo yesterday. I’m pride to support this cause. thank’s

  27. Pauline Vaughan says

    Thanks Tami for doing this every year my sister and I was both diagnose with breast cancer this year. I started chemo yesterday. I’m pride to support this cause. thank’s again

  28. Joceline Wyskoczka says

    Cannot wait for the event. It is such a fun afternoon and for such a great cause.

  29. Thanks, Tami, for your fundraising campaign. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in March of 2016. So far, so good. I appreciate your efforts to stamp out cancer!

  30. Denise Dornbusch says

    Tami I made donation. My Mother was a Breast Cancer Survivir.

  31. Denise Dornbusch says

    Tami I made donation. My Mother was a Breast Cancer Survivor.

  32. LaVonne Smejkal says

    Thanks fo making a difference in the efforts to combat breast cancer!

  33. Karen Woodard says

    Thanks for organizing this! I was excited to see that my company will match my donation!!

  34. Karen Woodard says

    I was excited to see that my company will match my donation!!

  35. Britta Slopianka says

    Thank you Tami for doing this. My mother died with breast cancer and I know how hard it is to see your loved one suffering. You have an amazing heart and a beautiful soul.

  36. Lisa Castro says

    Thank you for the opportunity to partner with your team.

  37. Terry Steinacker says

    Thank You Tami for working so hard for a cure!

  38. Dagmar Riley says

    God bless you Tami and praying it will be the success you have hoped for and many will be helped with this!