VIDEO: Booby Box of Hope – Stamp Out Breast Cancer

stmapin up bikini box of hope breast cancer
Save the girls! October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month. Our 6th Annual “Stamp Out Breast Cancer” fundraiser event is approaching quickly. I had some fun making this “Booby Box of Hope” in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness. This is a fun gift box, you can fill it with a gift, or candy treats. I’m  going to show you how to make this “Ribbon of Hope” pink ribbon, from a white ribbon. Great trick when you need ribbon in a color you don’t graphic

A huge shout out and thank you to all who’ve donated, near and far. We are currently at 50 % of our $3,000 goal, with only one week left. Help us Stamp Out Breast Cancer and reach our $3,000 goal for Making Strides Against Breast Cancer. All donations are tax deductible and receive a free tutorial. Click here to donate and for details on my Ornament Bundle Giveaway.


Stampin Up Breast Cancer Booby Box of Hope download

Featuring all supplies for this project pdf



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Fundraising Websites – Crowdrise


  1. Linda StClair says

    Love the little boob box so cute .

  2. Super cute booby box. thank you for sharing your awesome talent.