Stampin Up Leadership Photos & Updates

Stampin Up Leadership 2010

I just returned from Stampin’ Up Leadership event in Phoenix, AZ this past week! There were approx. 1,000 demonstrators at the event. Warm weather, seeing old friend, meeting new friends and a whole lot of stamping. It’s like a dream trip! Here are some pictures of the event, including the Manager’s Reception Rodeo, Advisory Board breakfast and 2 of my gals (Liz and Lori) won free stamp sets!!!

I will be posting many samples of my swaps, displays and more in the coming week stay tuned.

Some Leadership News:


    This is an exclusive online community for Stampin’ Up demonstrators. Coming in Jan 2010 to all SU demos. It’s soooo exciting!!!

  • Workshop of a Lifetime Challenge 
    1. you’ll be helping me earn this Workshop of Lifetime
    2. If I won, you’ll be invited to meet Shelli!!! and
    3. you may win your own Workshop of a Lifetime (and I’ll help you get started – and you’ll invite me to see Shelli right? hehehe)

    The opportunity for 24 demonstrators to earn a “Workshop of a Lifetime” where Shelli Gardner (Ceo and co-founder of Stampin Up) will attend and demonstrate! This will be awarded to top recruiters in several categories (including one in which new demos have a chance to win as an associate/sr. associate). The contest runs Jan 10 – 31.If you join Stampin’ Up with me during this time, you may participate in several ways

Is this exciting or what!?!?!?!?!?! Let’s go for it!!!! Either way we get to be a part of the new community.


If you’ve been considering joining Stampin’ Up, and becoming a part of this awesome company, this is the time!

15% Off the demo kit PLUS a free stamp set…be a part of the new Stampin’ Connection and a chance to meet Shelli Gardner WAHOOO!!!

CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO ON JOINING > and contact me today at

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  1. looks like you had a lot of fun!!!

  2. It’s good to see that you enjoyed some of our Southwest hospitality and it is always nice to have a warm winter trip to renew the body and soul.
    I enjoy your web site and e-mail and am looking forward to seeing the new projects etc. that you brought from the leadership convention.

  3. Vicky Evans says

    Those quilting squares look fun & easy too. I like easy. They’d make adorable gifts if they were framed.

  4. Such energy. I love the new ideas. Linda