VIDEO: Hey Chick Card & Box Set

Hey Chick Card & Box Set


Hey Chick! Have you seen the Stampin’ Up Hey Chick Card & Box Set and Hey Birthday Chick Bundles? They crack me up. In this video class I’ll share how to make this fun card and gift box set.

Some of the DIY paper crafting techniques in this class include Stampin’ Blends Alcohol marker techniques and working with Foam Adhesive sheets to make your own puffy stickers. I’ll also share how to decorate the Stampin’ Up Mini Paper Pumpkin boxes to coordinate with your projects. This box started out white, you’ll flip over how easy it is to turn it into a “faux” woodgrain box.




All supplies used are available in my online store. The free pdf includes measurements, supply list and bonus instruction

Tami’s Online VIP Club

Are you a visual learner? Do you love to learn new crafting techniques? Do you getting special deals and free products? Check out my VIP Online club. This month’s exclusive VIP class features even more awesome ideas from the Hey Chick and Hey Birthday Chick bundles.



Hey Chick Card & Box Sets


Hey Chick Card & Box Set photo Hey Chick Birthday Card



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  1. Christine Javer Spohn says

    Love these chicks! 🐥 Thanks for great ideas!

  2. Pauline Turner says

    Love the chicks! Something about them just makes me smile!!!

  3. Sandra Kowalski says

    Love those chicks! thank you for the tutorial on the card and how to cover the box.

  4. Mary J Selby says

    Love the chicks they are so cute, and how to cover the pumpkin box.
    thank you.

  5. Lisa Parsons says

    Watching the replay. Card and box are so cute.
    Also, sharing.

  6. Cheryl K Price says

    Adorable! Love the look of the wire for some reason that sticks out for me! Also love the coloring you did on the chicks! Thanks Tami!

  7. Cheryl K Price says

    Forgot to mention your idea for the mini PP box! Such a neat idea!

  8. I already have the Hey Chick and love it!

  9. Love that box!

  10. Shauna Dock says

    Love how easy you made the box cover!

  11. Nancy L Hood says

    I love these cute chicks!! They make such adorable cards and treat holders.

  12. Gloria Morris says

    Just received my Hey Chick bundles. Can’t wait to try your projects! My thanks for all your creativity!

  13. M Carmen Rodriguez says

    Awesome tutorial, I love these stamps and I am so glad, that they have dies. Thank you for the video.

  14. I really enjoyed your class on the Hey Chic tutorial for the card and the box. You have such great ideas. I can’t wait to get started on making something soon on the these cold cold days. Thank you so much for being so generous with your talent.