CARD: Wishing You a Quick recovery from Healing Hugs


Soft and elegant “Wishing you a quick and complete recovery” card from the Stampin’ Up Healing Hugs stamp set. The background is created with the new In Color Designer Paper, and the Lace Dynamic Folder.

Tip: Use the Timeless Label Punch to create notches on the tag.

Designed by Veronica







  1. Donna Lindner says

    love the card so pretty

  2. Cynthia D. Howard says

    Tami, your card is so soft and elegant. I love the colors you used, I have this set but I don’t have the Rococo Rose Ink Pad yet. It should be here any day now, so I plan on casing your card. I make cards for our church families of the sick and shut-ins (Nursing homes), but mostly sympathy cards for our church members that lose a LOVED one. So, I hope it’s ok for me to case some of your cards. Thank you for sharing your talents with everyone.