CARD: Walk in the Wild Moose

walk in the wild-diana kingMy kids sing a “repeat after me” silly song at scout camp called “Da Moose, Da Mooooooose” and today this card had me singing that and giggling. This is a  masculine / man-card. Love the outdoorsy feel to the wood grand embossing folder adds. Designed by Diana Krug.




  1. Carolyn Coverdell says

    Thanks Tami,
    I was in need for an idea for an masculan card for my son’s 43 birthday,
    this is really neat and perfect.
    Thank you so much and have a great mothers day!
    God Bless—Carolyn

  2. You always catch my attention with wildlife. What a card anyone even some women would love this card. Happy Mothers Day to you and your girls.

  3. Carol Carriveau says

    I really like this card…especially the subtle colors of the DSP strip!