MDS: New Digital Downloads From Catalog Product

2013-07-16 mds downlaods stampin up

Since the release of the 2013-2014 annual catalog, we’ve rolled out several downloads inspired by traditional product. Well, this week, we went all out-every download (PDF) is from a catalog product! (Woot. Woot.)

These downloads are especially great for hybrid projects, and have many perks like the digital artwork has the ability to resize, recolor, and crop stamps.

learn more about mds my digital studio




  1. This looks soo cool! I especially like this statement: “the digital artwork has the ability to resize, recolor, and crop stamps”.

  2. Cool idea.

  3. More great downloads.

  4. Love the stamps.

  5. jennifer schwoob says

    i just sin undernith you as a dem i did 2 package it was mary-lynn wall ann boby merg liopton i was amm buy sol 5 times