MDS: A Blizzard Named Nemo

2013-02 Blizzard-nemo-stampwithtami--1
Remember that “little” snowstorm I mentioned yesterday?!? Well turns out, the weathermen were right! We got hit with a couple feet of snow, and lots of blustery wind (still have that wind)…all from a “little” Blizzard called Nemo lol. As you can see from the pictures, we found Nemo. The image above is my back deck before we went to bed last night (lower) and at 7:45 a.m. this morning (upper)!! Holy snow Batman!!!

It was actually a fun storm, we didn’t lose power this time (praise God) and I stamped a lot (see video from yesterday). The photos below are more shots of my deck while it was still snowing. It only stopped being fun when the snowblower didn’t work and the kids and I had to shovel. We are grateful for short driveways, and a kind-hearted neighbor who helped us tackle the “plow mountains” at the end with his snowblower.

I had some fun with the My Digital Studio – Downtown Grunge photobook template for these, saved them as jpegs.

2013-02 Blizzard-nemo-stampwithtami-2 2013-02 Blizzard-nemo-stampwithtami-3

 Downtown Grunge Photobook Template - Digital Download



  1. Wow! That is a bit of snow. Reminds me of why I don’t live anywhere near snow now.

  2. Made your Artisan today……just lovely. so very elegant….rich …..pure and simple. Have had the kit but was the first I used it……….sent card to a friend right away………she oooed over it…….Thank you for the not over run cards. stay warm…..

  3. I understand completely! see photos on my blog:
    we got 3 feet!
    stamping sue

  4. OH man,,,, do I remember these storms! I’m from Chicago and I feel so bad for you all up there. I do not miss that, I mean, snow can be fun, but only if you don’t have to drive in it. lol It’s beautiful though, you have to give it at least one positive. Glad you didn’t lose power… stay warm and cozy by that awesome fire… Hugs!

  5. You guys got a ton of snow! Love how you scrapped your pages with the before and after sleep pics. Hope you are staying warm! Glad you did not lose power! TFS!

  6. Lovely pictures! I couldn’t imagine living in a place where it snows lol I’m too spoiled here in SoCal.

  7. Carol Carriveau says

    Wow…sure glad we live in CA! But you guys have mostly survived Nemo quite well. As several other demos said, and in your own video…what is a little snow when you can spend a day in your stamp room…!!!!! Take good care and thanks for the great pictures!

  8. Jamie Adcock says

    Oh my word! Glad y’all weathered the storm okay, though.

  9. My word, I can’t imagine what this would be like. We’re lucky if we get to see a little flurry every once in great while.

  10. You’re so lucky!!! I live in Southwest Washington(the everwet state if you ask me). We rarely get snow here 🙁

  11. That is a lot of snow!

  12. WOW! and here I was complaining about how rainy and chilly it has been here in the South. Not even the beauty of Charleston was showing through all of the rain. But seeing your snow! I’ll just put another piece of wood in my wood burner and shut up!
    By the way, when did we start naming winter storms?
    I am glad you are safe and warm.