Wedding and Motorcycle Crash Update

weddingYou’ve probably been wondering where I am, and why I haven’t posted in almost a week? Especially if you’ve emailed me and received my auto-responder saying I’d get back to you on Monday and still haven’t. First, my apologies! I’m truly sorry to leave you all hanging at such a crucial time in the Stampin’ Up! year, with only 1 week left before this catalog is gone forever!! It was not my intention, let me start at the beginning…

Last week, my entire extended family traveled to Key West, Fl for my baby sister’s wedding. Congratulations to my sister Robyn, and my new BIL Adam!!! The wedding was Thursday, June 16. It was incredibly beautiful, as was the bride (maybe I’m biased, she is my sister hehehe). We had a very special time to spend with all of my family (from my Nana on down).

harleyWe traveled home on Sunday, and I fully intended to be back at work on Monday, June 20. That Monday morning was a gorgeous one here in Massachusetts, and after being away from a week, all I wanted to do was take my beloved Harley Davidson Motorcycle out for a spin. One of the joys of owning my own business is setting my own hours, and thought to myself…”self, it’s ok for you to go for a motorcycle ride and start an hour later than you planned” … so I did!


Sadly, that hour long ride, turned into a very scary day in my life. Out on a beautiful day, I slid on sand, missed a turn and crashed into a guard rail! I always wear protective gear (pants, boots, gloves and especially a helmet). And I have been thanking God for that helmet ever since! I was thrown from the bike, knocked unconscious and came to in an ambulance. After spending the day in the hospital, getting cleaned, treated and looked over by 2 trauma teams, it was determined that I had a concussion and broken thumb (not to mention endless cuts and bruises that I’m still finding). I spent the entire next day in bed, with my mom nursing me. I was in a lot of pain (still am), but thankfully other than the head and thumb it’s all superficial and will heal. Here’s a picture of the aftermath, I guess I can submit it to “Tough Chicks Anonymous” (kidding…I mean really how anonymous can I be lol). I don’t think I’ll be using it for my profile picture anytime soon;) I would not be here if it weren’t for my helmet, please, please, please make sure you and/or your loved ones always wear your helmets, you never know when an accident like this could happen.

Some of my stamper friends were very concerned about my ability to stamp (it is my sole source of income, and they love the inspiration)…not to worry…I will find a way to stamp!! Not even a broken thumb can keep me away (but the videos may be interesting to watch). For those wondering about the Harley, it is in better shape than I am with just a couple dents.

Beginning Thursday, I will be responding to all of my emails, and posting updates. Stay tuned for news on the new catalog and more. Thanks for your patience and understanding.

Tami White



  1. Glad you had such a great time at the wedding! Sorry to hear about your accident and that you weren’t hurt worse. Take your time to heal!

  2. Wow, glad to hear you’re ok. That would definitely be scary. Thank goodness for your helmet.
    Congrats to your sis.

  3. Tami,
    Thank God you are okay or at least will heal!
    I love your videos and if you are able to film any, I am sure they will be awesome even with your broken thumb!

  4. Holy smokes. SO GLAD you had all of the safety gear on. Sending prayers for fast healing. Oh, and from the picture posted, your sister looked fabulous on her wedding day! Congrats to the newly weds.

  5. Mary Venuti says

    Hi Tami,

    So sorry to hear about your accident, but so glad that you are all right. How scary. Hope you recover quickly. Look forward to seeing your new tutorials.



  6. sorry to hear about your accident and hope you are feeling better every day!

  7. carol washco says

    I was so sorry to hear about the accident. PLEASE TAKE TIME TO HEAL AND RECOVER. I always go to your website and enjoy all the videos that you put on. Of all the sites yours is the best. Take care of yourself.

  8. I’m so sorry to hear about your accident. I hope it doesn’t deter your desire to get out there and ride! I’m glad to hear to wear protective gear. My boys both ride and also wear same protective gear as you even on those hot days. Best of luck to you in a quick recovery with no lasting effects.

    Glad to hear you enjoyed the wedding and look forward to seeing more of your beautiful work soon. But, please, take care of yourself…we can wait!

  9. Oh my word Tami, thought it was odd that all was so quiet, but gosh didn’t expect this! Here’s wishing you a speedy recovery – but yeah – take your time to heal!

  10. Alice Shaw says

    Hello there.
    So thankful that you are OK. It’s probably been long enough now that you can start to laugh a little about the “very scary day.” I laughed a little when I saw the first post:
    “Sorry to hear about your accident and that you weren’t hurt worse.” Sorry to hear that you weren’t hurt worse? Funny.
    Wish I could be there to help you with all your emails and whatev. Thanks for sharing your skills with me. Awesome.

  11. So sorry to hear about such a scary day for you….. Glad to hear you are back home and on the mend….. but do make sure you allow plenty of time for healing….

    And congrats to the newly weds – they, the setting and the day look so beautiful on the photo….

    Thanks as always for all your inspiration and hard work…it is always appreciated…

  12. Sandy Leathers says

    Been there, done that! I went around a curve too fast and hit gravel. Wasn’t able to get back on the road before I hit a gully and flew off my Harley. I punctured my lung and broke 3 ribs! but not one finger nail – hahhaha! Luckily I didn’t even get a lot of road rash considering all I was wearing was a t-shirt, jeans and my boots. Yes, I had my helmet on and it definitely saved my head. I keep it as a reminder when I see all the scratches on side of it. I love riding without a helmet but it’s so dangerous. Glad you are better.

  13. Happy to hear you are ok!! Speedy recovery to you :o)

  14. Wow Tami, so glad to hear you are ok; that could have been really bad. I applaud you for wearing your helmet. I live in Arizona and many “men” won’t wear one because it’s not “manly”. 🙁 Anyway, please have a speedy recovery and know that we are all pulling for you. Take care!

  15. I’m glad that you were okay after the accident. Take easy & take care of yourself.

  16. wintergram says

    My daughter too rides and loves it. I always hate hearing about bike accidents. Good for you for being smart with the gear! So very good to read you are doing well after the accident. (the bike can be fixed but sometimes we can’t.) Take care and good luck with the stampin’.

  17. Tami, I’m so very glad to hear you are alright.Thank God,He was looking out for you that day. And Bless God you made the right choice to wear your helmet,this just means the plans He has for you is more than we can expect or even imagine,I pray you will be fully restored to your right self.Congratulations to your sister and BIL on their tying the knot:-)

  18. valerie burns says

    Ya my hubby wants one I soooooo dont want him to get one. I am so glad you are ok you look good in the picture. Valerie

  19. Oh my gosh Tami I am so very sorry to hear about the accident – thank goodness you were wearing protective gear and thank goodness you are on the mend…

    My hubby is an avid motorcyclist (with 4 in the garage including offroad adventure bikes too!) and firmly believes in all the gear too – it saves lives and thankfully it saved you from getting hurt badly.

    Wishing you lots of comfort for your recovery – and sending stamping hugs,


  20. OMGosh Tami! I had no knowledge of your accident until I just received your newsletter. Thank our dear Lord in Heaven for watching over you and protecting you as much as he could….Bless You for wearing ‘smart’ gear! I’ll add you to my prayers for a quick recovery and fast healing!

  21. Enough about you Tammy; HOW’S THE BIKE!!!!
    J/K Glad to hear u r alright. So scary, but these sorts of things really give us a wonderful new appreciation for the blessings in our lives. Hope you have a speedy recovery! TC

  22. Kathie Rotti says

    Tami!! I had no idea that anything like this had happened!! Thank goodness you are okay!!! See you Thursday!!!

  23. Sandy in Virginia says

    Praising that you are pretty much ok! I recently found your website — enjoy your videos — thank you for sharing! Happy Healing!