Leadership Fun and Beveled Windowpanes

164435 Here is some more fun from Stampin’ Up!’s 2011 Leadership event in Nashville, TN last week. This first picture is of our gang, Meg Loven, Cheryl Flynn, myself, Glenda Travelstead and Leasa Williams (2007 SU Advisory Board). Below is Cheryl, BJ, Meg and Leasa at the Manager’s Reception – Wildhorse Saloon. They emailed this pic to me while I was stuck at home in the snow storm…it “almost” felt like I was there, they didn’t let me miss a beat. Next to that are my pride and joy, Oksana Semenska and Liz Miller. I’m so proud of you gals!!! I can’t resist posting these funny horse pictures, especially the one of Cheryl’s husband Casey taking a business call while leaning against Ms. Horsey hehehe.

Lastly I’m sharing a couple of display samples showing the brand new Beveled Windowpanes (121881) These are hot new items in the Occasions Mini catalog (page 28).

164399 164552 164376 164377 164469 164470
Beveled Windowpanes - by Stampin' Up!

Stay tuned for more Leadership fun pictures and ideas.

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