Winners Revealed for my 7 Days of Christmas Giveaways


"On the first day of Christmas my Stampin Up Demonstrator gave away..."

While traveling last week I've been throwing a cyber party on my blog. With a new giveaway each day. Thanks for being a part of my Stamp with Tami community, and for your support through the years. Below are all of the winners, congratulations to all and thanks to everyone for playing!


“On the first day of Christmas my Stampin Up Demonstrator gave away…”

While traveling last week I’ve been throwing a cyber party on my blog. With a new giveaway each day. Thanks for being a part of my Stamp with Tami community, and for your support through the years. Below are all of the winners, congratulations to all and thanks to everyone for playing!


1 Day Sale - Free Shipping & Double FBP Thursday Only  Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to all...and to all a 1 Day Sale! Free Shipping in my online store Thursday only. PLUS Thursday is also the last day of my Double FBP offer, so you'll earn free stamps in double time while getting free shipping.  Free Ship and Double FBP applies to everything in my Stampin' Up online store INCLUDING remaining Retiring List and Clearance Rack products. Use hostess code DTVQMVHH.  Now that's another great reason to celebrate!   It's time to stock up on your favorite Stampin' Up products. We are offering FREE shipping on orders placed in my online store subtotaling $75.   Use hostess code DTVQMVHH
Sale begins Thursday, December 15 at midnight MT for 24 hours only.
Orders placed in my online store.
Orders over $150 will also receive free Stampin' Rewards.



Don’t miss free shipping Thursday only in my online store combine it with my Double Frequent Buyer Points, Retiring List Sale and Clearance Rack.


  • Kelly Lindstorm – Day 1: Awash in Beauty Suite & Exclusive Kit
  • Pearl McGill – Day 2: Insulated logo bag & $25 Stampin’ Up! Gift Certificate
  • Beth Barber – Day 3: Rustic Harvest Suite & Exclusive Kit
  • Toni Shaw – Day 3: Rustic Harvest Suite & Exclusive Kit
  • Lisa Felde – Day 4: In color bundle: c/s, ink pads, twine, blends
  • Lizette Vasquez – Day 5: Fitting Florets Bundle & DSP & Exclusive Kit
  • Brittany Stith – Day 5: Fitting Florets Bundle & DSP & Exclusive Kit
  • Sophia Marx – Day 6: Santa Express Suite & Exclusive Kit
  • Tina Sampson – Day 7: Nourish and Flourish kit bag & $25 Stampin’ Up! Gift Certificate

Winners have been contacted via email to redeem your prize. If your name is listed and you haven’t received your email click the button to fill out the prize claim form.



  1. Theresa cooper says

    On grays to all the winners!