A Decade with Stampin Up! WOW

stampin up 10 years

Have you ever had an event happen in your life that seemed small, but it transformed your life?
10 years ago today, I joined the Stampin Up family. I could never have dreamed where this would path would lead. I only did it for the discount lol! Over the past decade, this shy girl has became a public speaker and SU has brought me on the most amazing adventures around the world (Fiji, Alaska, Hawaii, Panama Canal….just a few).

More highlights over the years were hosting my own TV Series, The Stamp With Tami Show, and of course learning to make a video and post it on YouTube!

The friendships I’ve made through stamping, I cherish dearly. You have brought us through some of the hardest hard times of my life, and celebrated a few of the biggest.

As a single mother,  income my job brings supports my kids & I. It has saved my family home of 30+ years. Today marks 1 year that I’ve owned it myself.

You never know what tomorrow will bring, or when something seemingly small will change your life forever. 2 weeks ago, I hit a milestone selling $1Million in personal sales in my SU career. Shelli Gardner, CEO & Co-Founder of Stampin Up, called me personally, sent  amazing flowers and a card. The next day, Shelli was in a terrible accident. Her life was also changed forever, and now she is an inspiration in new ways as she shares her struggles to walk again. (You can read Shelli’s incredible story, and post her a personal note on her blog here >).

The pictures above are of my very first convention in Orlando, FL (2004) and meeting Shelli for the very first time. The next was Shelli and I on stage 7 years later – #1 Demonstrator of the Year.

While I’m doing a “then and now”, I have to share the best part of all. My boys! Because of Stampin Up, I’m able to work from home, and be here for them. They are the biggest part of why I do what I do, and I love them so much! Here they are a few weeks after I joined SU in their Halloween Costumes. Look at how little they were!! The next picture was taken a few weeks ago at Scout Camp, my oldest is applying for his Eagle Scout this week! I’m so proud:)

boys then and now 1




  1. Laurie LaRose says

    WooHoo! Big Congratulations to you! Thanks for sharing a bit of your story and the photos, too. I bet your consistent hard work on the way to this goal is full of good memories ! You are an inspiration.

  2. Heidi Johnson says

    Congratulations! Happy to hear you are still having a great time doing what you love!

  3. You are so awesome Tami and an inspiration to so many people. Congratulations again on your StampinUp achievements.

  4. Congratulation on 10 years with stampin up. You are a very talented lady. Best wishes in the future. Keep the awesome videos coming.

  5. Congrats on your 10th anniversary and for reaching such a great milestone. Here’s wishing you many more anniversaries and many more Millions in Sales. Great job! I never thought I’d be sending you congrats when I signed up for your card club by mail years ago. I never thought back then that I’d be an SU demo either. LOL Our lives constantly change for sure. Keep doing what you’re doing. . . you do it so well.

  6. Congratulations on your 10 years and your 1 year of your home. It nice to see that something that started off as a discount thing turned into an amazing opportunity for you and your kids.

  7. Chirsta Campbell says

    Congratulations, Tami!! What an accomplishment and an inspiration. Here’s to 10 more years and much success!!

  8. OMG Tami, how awesome is that “CONGRATS”

  9. Tami, I must tell you, I was at convention this year for the first time since joining 3 years ago. YOU inspired me to come back and work harder to be more than a “hobby demonstrator”. I have been following you for a long time and it is amazing how far you have come. I was once a single Mom too, and the stuggles facing women (and men) who “do it alone” is proof that if you dream big, it can happen. Congratulations on this wonderful milestone! You are awesome and one day, I hope to be half of what you’ve become! YOU GO GIRL !!!

  10. Teresa Johnson says

    Wow! Congrats on such an inspiring accomplishment in just 10 years! You should be very proud of that and all they ways you have positively impacted so many lives! You are a true inspiration, Congrats again 🙂

  11. Tami,
    You are truly an inspiration to all other demonstrators. My Mom was a single parent, with two girls. I watched her struggle all her life to make ends meet. It’s amazing that you are showing your boys what hardwork and dedication can do. Congrats on an amazing SU year, and on your $1 million dollar mark!
    Wendy Cranford
    Luvin Stampin

  12. Congrats that give everyone inspriation.

  13. Christina Worley says

    Hi Tami,
    I have subscribed to your blog for some time and look forward to every issue! While I love stamping I do not consider myself very creative! Having said that, you have inspired me to make cards which have surprised me, intent on reflecting personal ideas! I congratulate you on your success in SU! It comes as no surprise to me and is more than well deserved! Cheers!

  14. Tami, you are such a great inspiration. You are living out your dream and that in turn inspires hope in others like me to dream big and go after it. Your heartfelt gratitude shows through in your posts. I am outside of the US so I don’t contribute to your sales but I am blog follower and a fan, and I consider you one of my papercrafting mentors. Thank you for all you do.

  15. Woohoo! Congrats Tami

  16. Congrats! Great story!

  17. Congratulations Tami and thank you for sharing your wonderful talents and stories of inspiration with us!

  18. Congratulations Tami on your amazing achievements! Thank you for sharing them with us!

  19. Tami congratulations and very proud of you. You have been ab amazing inspiration to me and I am sure to your boys. Keep dreaming up amazing ideas. Love you Karen

  20. Congratulations Tami, that is amazing. woo hoo for $1,000,000 in sales!