A little something from Shelli

flowers from Shelli Gardner-stmapin upWhat a whirlwind day yesterday was! I was so touched by everyone’s support for making the Million Dollar Milestone, you couldn’t wipe the smile off my face. It could end here and it would all be worth it, but the day gets even more exciting with a personal phone call from Shelli Gardner (CEO and Co-Founder of Stampin’ Up!). She was calling to personally say congratulations, and we made some plans for an upcoming “date” we have together to celebrate. I LOVE this woman and this company. Wow!

Then the  florist calls and says they have a delivery! I think … hmmmmm…maybe one of my parents?? They are very sweet like that. I was not expecting this ginormous, gorgeous, bouquet of the most beautiful flowers that fills my kitchen!!! And of course, I can’t wait to see who would’ve sent them but as I remove the envelope, I noticed immediately that it was hand stamped. Not that my parents don’t stamp, heck my mom is a demo but I’m pretty sure she doesn’t have the envelope liner die yet, so now my curiosity is crazier than a cat. I rip open then envelope to find this amazing hand written card from Shelli Gardner herself. Since I’m on the other side of the country from Shelli, and I had spoken to her a few hours earlier,  knew getting this special card to the florist was not small task. I will cherish this and all that the day has brought forever.

Ok, enough mushy stuff from me lol. I just KNOW you’re dying to see this gorgeous “Shelli” card up close. It’s a beauty. I’ll post the supplies below in case you want to “CASE”.

card from shelli-stampin up





  1. Patty Keeley says

    love the cards

  2. Very pretty and full of creative depth!

  3. Love this card.

  4. You work for a great company.

  5. The flowers are so pretty. Way to go Tami.

  6. Good job Tami!

  7. Wow, congratulations! That is a huge milestone!!!

  8. What an amazing achievement.

  9. Congrats!

  10. What an exciting day.

  11. Congratulations! !!! How exciting!!! Good for you! !

  12. Melinda Thomas says

    CONGRATULATIONS, Tami! I am so very happy for you! Love, Love, Love your videos!!

  13. Congratulations Tami. You are a fun demonstrator. Love that beautiful bouquet (fond of sunflowers) and what a special treat to get a homemade card from Shelli.

  14. Congratulations! What an accomplishment! Beautiful flowers, beautiful card!

  15. Beautiful card- you have such a cool job!

  16. Rosemary Paul says

    Lovely thing for Shelli to do, I made you a congrats card, but it took time as I wanted it special.

    I am attempting to make Shelli a get well card since she broke her Pelvis over the weekend. I keep throwing them away. I do not want to embarrass myself by sending a third rate card to the founder of my STAMPING company!!

    I am so proud of the fact that my Upline is such a great lady and I am thrilled that you made your million!!
    Personal note: I got my free stamp set for becoming a Sr Associate, Thank you so much!

  17. So very cool! That’s awesome for you! So proud of you:)

  18. Congratulations!
    The cream always rises to the top!

  19. Love the card and the detail. Congrats.

  20. Cynthia Tuttle says

    Congratulations Tami!! Such an amazing achievement!! Enjoy your flowers and a super big thank you for a job well done and tons of inspiration on top of everything!! AMAZING!!!!

  21. Wonderful news! Congrats!

  22. Congrats!

  23. Congratulations! You go girl!

  24. Tami!! Congrats…this is so crazy, I ’twas thinking about you this morning and praying for you…got some done gardening, came in to do a little more prep for my next class, sat down with a cuppa tea on our deck, popped in on the SU website…and there you are! Congrats my dear, take it all in! Blessings to you,
    Denise….aka the gal that stopped you after convention on the side walk to say ‘hello’

  25. Tami, they don’t come any better than you! Congratulations!

  26. Deana McMann says

    Congrats! I just found you I online and on you tube. You cards are amazing as well as you blog. I look forward to catching up on your last 10 years and seeing more.

  27. Wow! Congrats to you on a well-deserved achievement! I love that Shelli made your card and had it delivered with the flowers. So special.
    Super happy for you Tami!

  28. Congratulations to you Tami. What an honor to be personally recognized by Shelli. Woo hoo, here’s to another successful ten years!

  29. Kelly DeTommaso says

    Tami, What a tremendous accomplishment! I am so inspired by your achievements. I dream of one day achieving the same. I also just celebrated my 10 year anniversary as a hobbyist; however, after convention decided to quit and rejoin under a successful demonstrator who I follow as I am now ready to make this my business. So, I consider this a fresh new start for me. You have achieved a goal in 10 years that I know through hard work and dedication can also become a reality for me. Blessings to you on your accomplishments! I’m so happy for you.


  30. Tami,
    I have come to know you through your wonderful videos.
    Congratulations on achieving this magnificent milestone.


  1. On The Stampin Up Ginormous Flowers Set…

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