Very special fan mail from Katelyn

katelyns-dog-candy-card-stampin-upThis week I received the most touching, and stinkin’ cutest card in the mail from a very special fan. I was so touched when I received this card in the mail, I had tears in my eyes. Let me share a little bit about Katelyn, she is 5 years old (can you believe that?) and her mom Kim writes:

“My daughter, Katelyn, loves watching your videos.  She is 5 years old and your videos are her go to entertainment on youtube … She has actually taught ME a lot of things and gives me little facts as we’re crafting that she has picked up from watching videos on her own.  I asked her what she had in mind and she said she wanted to make YOU a card!!  She spent all day Satruday re-watching your videos to decide what she wanted to make and we sat down Saturday night and she was just exploding with creativity!  I was quite impressed. “

I am so touched both by Katelyn’s generosity, her sweet note and also super impressed by her creativity! Not only did she combined my Doggie punch and Punchy the Lion sweet treat card to create this SUPER STINKIN’ CUTE doggie treat card BUT check out her ingenuity on the back creating a “trap door” so the candy can be eaten without ruining the card!! I sense a future demonstrator here Kim. Thank you both for this awesome gift, and for inspiring me! Tops on the Stinkin’ Cute-o-meter!!!

katelyns-dog-candy-card-stampin-up-1 katelyns-dog-candy-card-stampin-up-2

katelyns-dog-candy-card-stampin-up-4 katelyns-dog-candy-card-stampin-up-5





  1. She will be beyond the moon when I show her your post! Just thinking of how excited she will be makes me tear up 😀

    Thank you for being so sweet and for all the wonderful videos you make!

  2. What a smart little girl – You rock Katelyn!