CARD: Work of Art Christmas card

work of art - stampinupChristmas is coming! Here’s a fantastic, easy and fun holiday card created with the Stampin Up Work of Art stamp set. This set has become a staple in my collection, and has sooo much versatility. Just look at this beautiful Christmas Tree created with the watercolor swoosh stamp. It’s fabulous.

Click here for more ideas and videos created with the Work of Art stamp set.

This card was created by Kathy Swanson.




  1. I absolutely love this Christmas Card. My 5 year old grandson will probably help me make some of these this year.
    I love It!!!

  2. Carole Doody says

    This card is adorable. Thanks also for the link to the other cards and videos using this set. Also loved the ice cream cone card a few days ago. The video really helps. That way I can refer back to it later if I need to.

  3. Carol Carriveau says

    Very rustic and in some ways very old fashioned looking card…like it!